
Media Research Center

Not Very 99 Percent: Singer Mariah Carey Shows Off Her 28 Shelves of Shoes

Artist supported lefty crusaders for equality, including, President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Media Promote Myth of Clinton Golden Years, Hype His New Economic Book

Coverage of 'Back to Work' maintains storyline of Clinton's era of prosperity, downplay his role in later economic collapse.

Media, Left Usually Get Economics Wrong

Misreporting of economy is due to mix of errors, spin and total BS.

April Unemployment Back Up to 9%; 27th Month Above 8%

Despite 244,000 jobs gained in April, national unemployment rate has been higher than promised since February 2009.

And A Child Shall Lead Us From the White House

Maturity isnt abandoning a press conference to the guy who used to have your job.

And You Thought We Had a President

Ignoring the message from the peasants, the king's procession heads to Asia.

World Stops Spinning for Clinton Wedding

Media obsess over Chelsea's nuptials, 50 percent more coverage than Jenna Bush's

Fmr. Clinton Labor Sec. Reich: It's Time for White House to Takeover BP

CNBC contributor argues only way Obama administration is authorized legally to intervene in Gulf Coast spill is to put oil giant in receivership.

Bill Clinton Inspired Monogamy-Bashing Book

Expecting fidelity from your spouse is a 'problem,' authors say
Media Research Center

Exhibit 1-9: Washington Bureau Chiefs and Correspondents

In April 1996, the Freedom Forum published a survey of 139 Washington bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents about their presidential votes and opinions of the Republican "Contract with ...
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