Exhibit 1-9: Washington Bureau Chiefs and Correspondents
In April 1996, the Freedom Forum published a report by Chicago Tribune writer Elaine Povich titled, 'Partners and Adversaries: The Contentious Connection Between Congress and the Media.' Buried in Appendix D was the real news for those concerned about media bias: Based on the 139 Washington bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents who returned the Freedom Forum questionnaire, the Washington-based reporters — by an incredible margin of nine-to-one — overwhelmingly cast their presidential ballots in 1992 for Democrat Bill Clinton over Republican incumbent George Bush.
89 percent of Washington-based reporters said they voted for Bill Clinton in 1992. Only seven percent voted for George Bush, with two percent choosing Ross Perot.
Asked 'How would you characterize your political orientation?' 61 percent said 'liberal' or 'liberal to moderate.' Only nine percent labeled themselves 'conservative' or 'moderate to conservative.'
Fifty-nine percent dismissed the Republican's 1994 Contract with America 'an election-year campaign ploy.' Just three percent considered it 'a serious reform proposal.'
Previous: Exhibit 1-8: The Media Elite Revisited
Next: Exhibit 1-10: Newspaper Journalists of the 1990s