CyberAlert -- 03/29/2000 -- "Best" for Elian
"Best" for Elian; Equating Bush & Gore Fundraising; Knocking Noonan
>>> Nothing on the e-mail in
Newsweek. The latest MagazineWatch about the April 3 issues is now up on
the MRC home page. The topics explored by the MRC's Geoffrey Dickens and
Tim Graham:
That seemed to be the sentiment behind how Peter Jennings
opened Tuesday's World News Tonight in setting up a story on how the
relatives wouldn't agree to an INS demand that they say they'll abide
by the next court decision in the matter:
As reported in the March 28 CyberAlert, the March 27 CBS Evening News featured a "Follow the Dollar" story by Eric Engberg about how Gore admits "mistakes" in 1996, like "the now-famous visit he made to a Los Angeles Buddhist temple, where nuns and monks were used as cover for collecting about $100,000 in illegal contributions." Engberg also raised the LaBella memo, without naming it, asking: "Did Gore mislead Justice Department investigators looking into the fundraising improprieties? They found a memo indicating Gore attended a meeting where it was decided 35 percent of the money he raised would go directly to the Clinton-Gore campaign. It's illegal for a public official to use his government office to solicit campaign contributions." So, the next night, without any admitted illegality
or criminal investigations to cite, CBS gave equal time to complaints
about Bush from liberal campaign finance "reform" backers. Dan
Rather introduced the March 28 CBS Evening News story: Whitaker began: "He's raised and spent more money on the primaries than any candidate ever -- a record $74 million hauled in, more than $63 million expended. And Election Day is still seven months away." Whitaker to Bush: "Is it troubling to you that
it cost so much money just to get to this position, this point in the
primaries." Whitaker moved to Bush's detractors, failing to point out that the "fat cats" he was about to demean for raising $100,000 had to do it in $1,000 increments by convincing others to donate: "Some say with Bush, the money is the message. He's blazing new trails in fundraising with his 'Pioneers,' a who's who of GOP fat cats, each raising at least $100,000 for Bush. Critics say big Bush contributors often win big favors. In his two runs for Governor Bush got more than $4 million from business people seeking to limit lawsuit liability, so-called 'tort reform.' Bush now boasts tort reform as one of his major accomplishments. He got even more money from Texas energy concerns." Andrew Wheat, Texans for Public Justice: "The Governor also in the last session of the legislature declared an emergency issue, a tax break for the oil and gas industry in Texas. I can't say necessarily that it was those large contributions that caused the favors he gave, but we do know that it creates disturbing appearances of impropriety." Whitaker picked up the argument: "Remember Sam Wyly, the Texas billionaire who weighed in on Super Tuesday with this environmental ad trashing John McCain?" After a brief clip of the ad, Whitaker elaborated: "Wyly, a major Bush contributor, had recently won a lucrative contract investing University of Texas funds. His clean renewable energy firm,, could benefit from a Bush clamp down on old, dirty utilities. Both the billionaire and the Governor say there's no connection, but campaign watchdogs say it looks like big money politics as usual." Scott Harshbarger, President of Common Cause:
"The message it sends is that you cannot participate in our democracy
if you can't pay." Whitaker concluded by countering: "Still, it's the most money-soaked campaign ever, and if, as Bush insists, the money doesn't influence him, he's clearly banking it'll have a big influence on the election." Talk about leading with innuendo. And reporters complain about conservatives falsely impugning Clinton without evidence. If "the money doesn't influence him" then CBS wouldn't have had a story. Given how the networks try to equate Gore's
illegal fundraising with Bush's legal fundraising that reporters just
don't like and how, as detailed in many past CyberAlerts, the networks
have largely avoided reporting on developments on the Gore front (Hsia
conviction, LaBella memo), it's no wonder more think Gore did nothing
wrong in 1996 than feel he did do something wrong. Check out this
paragraph from a CBS News poll conducted March 19-21 and posted on the CBS
News Web page: You can read the full poll results at:
But when the news wasn't so good for Hillary last fall, Rather and CBS didn't bother passing along their own CBS News/New York Times poll results, as the MRC's Tim Graham recalled in forwarding this excerpt from MRC Chairman L. Brent Bozell's column from November 18, 1999: On November 1, The New York Times placed its latest joint poll with CBS News on the front page, but look what it found to be news. "Poll Finds Few Undecided," the ho-hum headline read. Voter certainty in this early stage of the race may be interesting, but was it the poll's most newsworthy finding? Check out the poll results submerged down in paragraphs five and ten. Since the last New York Times-CBS poll in March, Hillary went from a nine-point lead among likely voters (50 to 41 percent) to a five-point disadvantage (44 to 49 percent). That's a fourteen-point slide, and if most voters consider themselves decided on this race, those numbers are dramatic. The buried shockers didn't end there, though. In paragraph 21, the Times revealed that Hillary's approval rating had dropped from 52 percent to 37, and her disapproval numbers jumped from 22 to 38 percent. In other words, she's regressed from a 30-point chasm between lovers and haters, where more than half of the polling sample approved, to where more voters now disapprove of her than approve. That's not good news, especially --again -- if the voters are decided on the matter. (Giuliani's favorables and unfavorables both increased slightly.) So where were the TV anchors furrowing their brows and wondering out loud what went wrong? CBS News may have created and paid for the poll, but they weren't reporting the results, and neither was hardly anyone else. Dan Rather must have been straining for another hurricane to cover. END Excerpt
Last Friday Noonan, a former speechwriter for President Reagan, received a gentler but just as negative reception from Jane Clayson on CBS's The Early Show. She wanted to know: "Why so critical of Hillary Clinton?" And wondered: "But what's so wrong with her ambition? I mean, what is so wrong with her wanting to come and be a Senator from New York?" Shaw set up the March 28 live CNN interview by
reporting how"city public advocate Mark Green today asked the state
Supreme Court to investigate Mayor Giuliani's release" of the
criminal record of a man recently shot by police. Shaw then observed: Shaw's first question came with a loaded term:
"I checked Webster's Ninth and it said that polemic is 'an
aggressive attack on or refutation of the opinions or principles of
another.' What do you fear most about Mrs. Clinton?" Noonan proceeded to argue that "it does not seem to me at all to be doubted that in the year 2004, if Mr. Gore does not win the presidency or 2008 if he does, that Mrs. Clinton as the Senator from New York will be able -- will really be perfectly positioned to move on the presidency, which people around her have said in the past was certainly part of her plan -- they don't say it anymore. They've kind of dummied up. But in the past in less discreet moments, they have talked about it." To the idea of presidential candidate Hillary
Rodham, Shaw responded: "If this scenario were to unfold, as you just
ticked it off, would that be a crime?" At Shaw's prompting, in the only non-challenging question of the interview, Noonan defined "Clintonism" as "missed opportunities because of a lack of seriousness and an almost compulsive cynicism on the part of the Clintons about what can be attained in terms of public policy" and "scandal, corruption, the disheartening sense that anybody who has $50,000 can walk into the White House, give it to the Clintons, and get waivers on their technology to sell to China to be used in the China military, which might be used ultimately against our children only a few years from now." Shaw went back on the attack, doubting Noonan's
reasoning: "I quote to you these words that you wrote: 'I think
Mrs. Clinton should not be given any more power, because somehow she never
helps anybody with it but herself.'" Noonan reminded Shaw that "I wrote a polemic" and her goal was to write a book people "opposed to Hillary could hold in their hands and say, 'this is why I feel as I do,'" and from which her backers could learn why her opponents oppose her. Shaw demanded to know of the book: "Is it
accurate?" He scolded her: "This quote. Quote: 'She is too
corrupt for New York. She is too cynical for the place that gave birth to
Tammany Hall.' Now, really, Peggy!" Shaw then castigated her for daring to criticize
reporting on Hillary: "I've got to ask you about this, because it
really riles me. Quote: 'Few in the elite media, the networks and big
stations and national magazines and big newspapers will press Mrs. Clinton
on the allegations of scandal that have marked her time in the White
House' -- unquote." With that, Shaw ended the interview, though despite his distaste for Noonan's viewpoints he gave the book another plug: "This has been very interesting. Just a few seconds to tell our viewers, the book is The Case Against Hillary Clinton, author Peggy Noonan." Next, CNN balanced Noonan with.....a working
mainstream journalist: "Now for another perspective on Mrs. Clinton,
we're joined now by Jodie Allen of U.S. News & World Report. You sat
there. You heard. You saw. I couldn't see your facial expressions, but
what do you think?" ++ See Shaw's heated exchange with Noonan. By noon ET Wednesday MRC Webmaster Andy Szul will post a RealPlayer clip from Tuesday's Inside Politics. Go to: Last Friday, March 24, CBS's Jane Clayson wasn't as hostile as Shaw but she still hit Noonan mostly with challenging questions and suggested Noonan is just a Republican partisan out to do some "Democrat bashing." Here are all of her inquiries: -- "You are really tough on the First Lady in
this book. Why so critical of Hillary Clinton?" -- Clayson: "You portray her as manipulative,
deceptive, disingenuous, and there are several fictional passages in your
book where you portray her -- one where she hangs up on her husband after
he calls to wish her well after winning the Senate seat." -- "You are a former Reagan speechwriter and many would say you are very biased. You are a Republican partisan. Is this, was this considered to be a Democrat bashing? Is that, is that all this book is?" The Early Show Web site features a short excerpt
from Noonan's book in which she offers an insightful take on Clintonism
and cable news shows: You can read the book
excerpt by going to: Yes, Geraldo is always enthusiastic about anything Clinton. -- Brent Baker
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