CyberAlert -- 04/02/1999 -- Nets Skip Warnings to Clinton; Giuliani Scolded for Criticizing Hillary
Nets Skip Warnings to Clinton; Giuliani Scolded for Criticizing Hillary
>>> We made it all up. Before anyone cites as real any of the quotes in the April 1 Notable Quotables distributed in the previous CyberAlert, please know that it was an April Fools edition. We made up every quote except the last one from Bryant Gumbel. If any others seemed believable to you it just shows how biased the media are everyday. Authors of the quotes: In addition to myself, MRC staff members Tim Graham, Brent Bozell, Geoffrey Dickens, Mark Drake, Brian Boyd and Tom Johnson all contributed at least one quote. The April Fools issue is posted at: <<< >>> Dan and Bill. To view a Real Player video clip of Dan Rather kissing up to Bill Clinton on Wednesday's 60 Minutes II with questions about being the husband of a U.S. Senator and "Given the year plus what you and our First Family have been through, tell us what you can about how the three of you are doing," go to: <<<
The Washington Post's April 1 front page story reported: "CIA Director George J. Tenet had been forecasting that Serb-led Yugoslav forces might respond by accelerating their campaign of ethnic cleansing in the province of Kosovo -- precisely the outcome that has unfolded over the past week." The New York Times relayed how Pentagon planners "said they warned the administration publicly and privately that Milosevic was likely to strike out viciously against the Kosovo Albanians as soon as a possibility of military actions was raised." Neither story generated a syllable on the April 1 Good Morning America or Today, reported MRC analysts Jessica Anderson and Mark Drake, though both shows devoted their entire first half hours to the war. In one news update on CBS's This Morning Bill Plante gave a few seconds to citing the Washington Post story, MRC analyst Brian Boyd noted. In the evening,
zilch on the CBS Evening News or NBC Nightly News though both programs
devoted at least three-fourths of their air time to the war. Over on
ABC's World News Tonight, Sam Donaldson took 31 seconds to summarize the
two newspaper stories and play a retort from Bill Cohen. Over pictures of
the Post and Times headlines, Donaldson told viewers: To be fair to NBC, the March 31 Nightly News included an In Depth piece by Andrea Mitchell reviewing the administration's miscalculations. Mitchell began: "Atrocities in Kosovo, a Serb dictator who won't back down, a human torrent of refugees. Proof protestors and critics say that the administration's entire strategy is flawed, miscalculated from the beginning." Since the networks gave so little, if any, time to the Washington Post and New York Times revelations, below are excerpts from the two April 1 stories: -- "Advice Didn't Sway Clinton On Airstrikes," announced the headline over the page one Washington Post piece by John F. Harris which opened: The warnings were there for President Clinton. For weeks before the NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia, sources said, CIA Director George J. Tenet had been forecasting that Serb-led Yugoslav forces might respond by accelerating their campaign of ethnic cleansing in the province of Kosovo -- precisely the outcome that has unfolded over the past week. All during this time, U.S. military leaders were offering Clinton a corresponding assessment of their own. If the Serbs did launch such an assault, they said, air power alone would not be sufficient to stop it -- precisely the analysis that NATO's supreme commander, Gen. Wesley K. Clark, articulated publicly this week when asked what the military could do to halt the humanitarian disaster unfolding in the Balkans. But in the face of this advice, according to a variety of U.S. and European sources familiar with the decision-making, Clinton and his senior White House advisers pressed on with their planning for an air campaign. The group, participants said, never reassessed the fundamental judgment they had reached the previous fall, which ruled out the use of ground troops as a way of protecting Kosovo's majority Albanian population from a brutal crackdown by the Serbs. That judgment, which several administration officials said was arrived at easily and with little internal dissent, is now at the core of what could count as the most serious foreign policy crisis of Clinton's presidency. With more than a hundred thousand Albanians already driven out of Kosovo by Serb "ethnic cleansing," and an unknown number killed, a central question is confronting Clinton: Why were his foreign policy aims not more closely matched with the military means necessary to achieve them? The essential answer, as offered by a variety of administration officials, is that Clinton never believed he had a viable alternative. The use of NATO ground troops, never a likely option, was expressly ruled out by the White House in October, when NATO military analysts produced a study that concluded it would take as many as 200,000 NATO troops to protect Kosovo on the ground.... END Post excerpt
The top civilian and military leaders of NATO settled on their strategy against President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia despite several military assessments and intelligence warnings, and even a clue from a Yugoslav general, that bombs alone could not stop Serb forces from carrying out a purge in Kosovo. The finger-pointing about missed signals and suggestions of mismanagement began to surface here and in Washington as the second week of the bombing campaign began with no sign that Milosevic was buckling, and no idea how it would end. Pentagon planners, for example, said they warned the administration publicly and privately that Milosevic was likely to strike out viciously against the Kosovo Albanians as soon as a possibility of military actions was raised, and that he would use the period of negotiations in France to prepare.... Senior Administration and congressional officials in Washington, for example, cited an American military intelligence assessment completed shortly before the allied air campaign which concluded that Milosevic intended to "ethnically cleanse" the 1.8 million Albanians within a week. Officials in Washington dismissed the plan as foolish Serbian bravado and confidently boasted that tough Kosovo Liberation Army fighters, plus a few days of allied bombing, would be enough to show Milosevic that he was mistaken. Throughout the months of planning for a crisis over Kosovo, a ranking officer in Brussels said today, the allies chose bombing because none of them were willing to take the risk of sending in the 100,000 to 200,000 troops that they thought it would take to keep the Serbs from having their way with the 1.8 million ethnic Albanians in the province.... END Times excerpt
Cameron also raised the possibility that the Chinese premier will cancel his trip to Washington that's scheduled for next week. Noting China's opposition to the Kosovo war and a recent ruling about its unfair trade practices, plus the controversy over the espionage that China denies, Cameron told Hume: "It has all created a very antagonistic atmosphere and there are senior Chinese officials right now raging a huge debate over the wisdom of whether or not Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji should come next week. Right now the Chinese embassy says they believe he's coming but there are a number of State Department sources who say they would not be surprised at all if at the last minute they were to scuttle the trip altogether." See the March 31 CyberAlert for Cameron's March 30 story on how a Senate Intelligence Committee report due in late April will provide "the most direct link yet between alleged Democratic campaign finance corruption and China's military advancement."
How destructive, making a couple of factual observations. But maybe that's the problem for Lauer who reflected the wider media attitude that critically assessing an opponents record is an evil of politics that politicians should be shamed out of talking about. At least if their words or ads might hurt the liberal candidate. MRC analyst Mark Drake observed that Today primarily brought Giuliani aboard to be scolded by Lauer for a lack of sensitivity over how he has reacted to protests about the police shooting of the unarmed Amadou Diallo. When Giuliani insisted he has shown empathy for the plight of minority neighborhoods beset by crime, Lauer shot back: "You know that's not your reputation. This has dogged you for your entire administration." Lauer proceeded to demand that Giuliani admit he has a "difficult time connecting" with minorities. After Giuliani
suggested his polls will rebound when people realize how much crime has
fallen as police shooting have actually been declining on a per capita
basis, Lauer jumped to the Senate campaign: Indeed, from
Lauer's ominous summary of the page's supposed destructiveness you'd
think it featured extensive articles and postings tearing Hillary Clinton
apart with intemperate language and malicious charges. But that's not
quite the reality. All the Web site features is buttons for three options:
signing a petition urging Giuliani to run, a donations page and page
explaining how to place the "" banner on your Web
page. Above these three links the page has two paragraphs of text. Here
they are, in full: That's it. That's the wrong "tone" to Lauer. I guess to make Lauer happy Friends of Giuliani should put up a site promoting Hillary's wonders. As for Lauer's claim that the site features "a very unflattering portrayal in pictures," that's ludicrous. It features just one picture, a nice color shot of a smiling Hillary, her arm outstretched doing a thumbs-up. Check for yourself: +++ Watch this Lauer/Giuliani exchange about his Web site's tone. Friday morning the MRC's Sean Henry will post a video clip in RealPlayer format. After 10am ET, go to:
In the story caught by the MRC's Tim Graham, reporter Peter Baker wondered: "How does a woman whose international profile is so high that bystanders in Africa two years ago referred to her as 'the queen of the world' adjust to becoming a low-ranking member of the seniority-conscious Senate?" Here's the first third of the Post's adulation under the page A17 headline, "In Morocco, Hillary Clinton Discards Politics for Diplomacy." From Marrakesh, Morocco Peter Baker, definitely no relation to me, oozed: Forget the Senate. Over the last 12 days, Hillary Rodham Clinton has looked and sounded more like a candidate for Secretary of State. There she was in Egypt, gently urging tolerance for the minority Coptic Christians. There she was in Tunisia, lashing out at Islamic radicals in other countries who oppress women. And here she was in Morocco, speaking out on everything from the Middle East peace process to the NATO airstrikes in Yugoslavia. It has hardly been a new role for the most traveled First Lady in American history. Indeed, Clinton's trek through the deserts of North Africa has closely followed the political and diplomatic road map she has used through six years of globe-trotting to such out-of-the-way locales as South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and the former Soviet republics. But the sight of the First Lady back on the world stage where she feels so sure-footed brought into sharp focus the peculiar trade-offs facing her as she decides whether to run next year for the seat of retiring Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.): How does a woman who eagerly told an audience this morning about education and economics in Guatemala and Uganda turn her attention to the pork-and-potholes issues that arise in places like Utica and Ithaca? How does a woman whose international profile is so high that bystanders in Africa two years ago referred to her as "the queen of the world" adjust to becoming a low-ranking member of the seniority-conscious Senate? These are the questions that some advisers leery of her Senate flirtation have been asking her. If she has come up with any answers, she was not letting on today.... END Excerpt Well she certainly will go into the race with an advantage over Giuliani. She'll have the national media on her side.
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