CyberAlert -- 07/02/1997 -- Carlson's Class Warfare

Carlson's Class Warfare; Celebrities Pitch in for Bill

The June MediaNomics (What the news media tell Americans about free enterprise) can now be read on the MRC's Web site. The Web site is back up after being down for a few days and MRC Web manager Joe Alfonsi has placed all the MediaNomics articles at:

  1. Headlines on Clinton's tax cut don't agree. A broad cut that matches GOP vs. opposing GOP by cutting wealthy out of the deal.
  2. After a typical Margaret Carlson class warfare diatribe, CNN's Frank Sesno suggests a new job possibility.
  3. Hollywood celebrities fly in to help Clinton raise millions. Whoopi Goldberg puts on a play and Clinton hugs Chevy Chase.

1) Clinton's tax cut proposal generated some conflicting headlines Tuesday morning.
USA Today -- "Clinton Offers Gains Tax Cut: Broader Plan Brings Him Closer to GOP"
Philadelphia Inquirer -- "Clinton Proposes Shifting Tax Cuts from the Wealthy: He Said His Plan Would Aid More Middle and Lower-Income Families than the House and Senate Versions"

2) CNN's Washington Bureau Chief realized how well Time magazine's former Washington Bureau Chief holds to the Democratic Party talking points. MRC analyst Clay Waters caught this June 29 exchange on CNN's Late Edition about the Republican tax cut bill:

Margaret Carlson, Time: "The working class are going to be eating bologna as a result of this tax bill because 40 percent of the children aren't going to get anything from the childcare, the child tax credit because, as Republicans said last week, 'We're not giving out welfare here.' Well, these are the people who catch the early bus, probably two buses to get to their jobs, may even work two jobs or making less than $30,000 a year and are paying huge amounts in payroll taxes and they're going to get no relief from this, while people earning $110,000 a year are going to."
Frank Sesno: "Margaret, you sound like you're writing speeches for Dick Gephardt."

Indeed, Carlson did once write speeches for a liberal Democrat. During the Carter years she wrote them as a Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. It's been more than 15 years since she jumped to journalism. Hard to tell.

3) Some Hollywood celebrities pitched in to help Bill Clinton raise some big bucks in Boston and New York City on Monday:

Clinton started the day with a $1 million noontime event in Boston. The July 1 Boston Globe reported: "As luncheon guests dined on chicken roulades with summer vegetables, baby greens, and fruit tarts, Clinton met privately with about 100 of the party's biggest givers at an event hosted by comedian and actor Chevy Chase." The Washington Post relayed that Chase "got a long, warm hug from Clinton."

Clinton then flew to New York City where, the AP's Ron Fournier learned, "Democrats had three events from which to choose." The first event limousine liberals could drop in on was a reception with Al Gore. The other two involved celebrities:

-- "A special production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, starring Whoopi Goldberg. Tickets ranged from $125 to $25,000," the AP reported. The New York Times elaborated that the play's company manager said that Goldberg "was instrumental in making sure last night's event happened...'It's something she wanted to do,' she said. 'Whoopi is friendly with the President. And he had promised her he'd see the show, apparently.'"

-- AP described the second event: "A Late-night Plaza Hotel dinner with Clinton, Goldberg and a range of entertainers, including musician Wynton Marsalis, actor Andy Garcia, actress Lauren Bacall, actress Glen Close and model Christie Brinkley. The filet of salmon teriyaki and salad mache with roasted shiitake mushrooms cost $5,000 a pop." Bacall, the New York Times noted, "served as master of ceremonies." The Washington Post added actress Andie McDowell to the list of attendees.

Speaking the Hollywood celebrities who jump at an opportunity to help the Democrats raise money, actor Tommy Lee Jones denied any such interest when profiled in the June 8 Parade magazine. Insisted Jones:
"I like the way independent sounds, but my voting record is pretty much Democratic. If there's a Sheriff that everybody likes in San Saba County [Texas], and he needs some help, I'll pitch in. But basically I'm reluctant to talk about politics. I don't want to use the occasion of my so-called celebrity to get overly political. It makes me uncomfortable."

Really? Let's go back to the May 7 CyberAlert, which reported the effusive praise Jones heaped on the Clintons and Gores when he served as master of ceremonies for a May 1 Democratic fundraiser:
"I know that every one of you is just as proud as I am to be here tonight to show your support for and appreciation for this great administration..."
"This very forward-looking administration is truly working today to create a better society for tomorrow. On the environment, Bill Clinton and Al Gore have made our air and water cleaner. They're protecting our public lands. That's something that Americans, that our grandchildren, will be thanking this administration for, for generations to come. Also, Bill Clinton and Al Gore are making quality education a priority for everyone, not just those who can pay for it..."
"Crime rates are coming down in America because of the policies of this administration. We've got more cops on the beat and more children playing on the streets of their own neighborhoods again. Children who now have a chance to lead a better life. You just can't argue with progress like that. And this administration, more than the Republicans, will go down in history as the administration that ended deficit spending and balanced the federal budget, so that we can start putting the money where it's needed: Into jobs, education, health care, and the environment. On so many important issues, Bill Clinton and Al Gore have a real vision of where they want to lead this country. They're proving everyday that Democrats can get the job done."

He doesn't sound very uncomfortable to me.

-- Brent Baker