CyberAlert -- 07/16/1998 -- Clinton Shouldn't Talk
Clinton Shouldn't Talk; More Nina: Kneepads for All Women *** Item #3 today has been rated TV-MA by the CyberAlert Content Review Board. It contains slang terminology for oral sex. *** >>> Internet Training School. This Saturday, July 18 from 8:30am to 5:30pm the Leadership Institute is holding an Internet training school in Arlington, Virginia. Cost is $25. Paul Culligan will teach the use of the Internet for a variety of public policy areas, including fundraising, issue and opposition research, and building grassroots support and membership. Tuition includes breakfast and lunch, training and a source-book binder with hundreds of pages more of information related to the Internet and policy. Or so Radley Balko tells me. If interested, call him at (703) 247-2000, ext. 151. <<< Correction: The name of the Secret Service agent subpoenaed was misspelled in the July 15 CyberAlert as Larry Cockrell. It is Cockell.
The Secret Service showdown led on CNN and NBC while FNC uniquely considered opening statements in the cadet murder trial in Texas to be the day's lead story. ABC and CNN relayed angry White House reaction to the charge conveyed by Tim Russert on Wednesday's Today show that sources close to Starr suggest Secret Service officers may have 'facilitated' Clinton's sexual liaisons. Russert appeared on the NBC Nightly News to clarify his report. ABC and FNC showed a quick clip of Senator Hatch and Attorney General Reno at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing while CNN delivered a full story, but CBS and NBC skipped her appearance to explain her resistance to an independent counsel to investigate foreign money and why she insists upon appealing the Secret Service rulings. Dan Rather, for the third night in a row, insisted Starr is probing Clinton's "personal life." Here's how the Wednesday night, July 15 evening shows handled the Secret Service story and Reno's appearance: -- ABC's World
News Tonight. Sam Donaldson explained how Justice was still hoping to get
a federal judge to halt the Thursday testimony by Secret Service officers.
Agent Larry Cockell, Donaldson noted, was in the limo when Clinton went to
the deposition for Paula Jones and afterward he rode back with Clinton and
attorney Bob Bennett. Donaldson played a clip of McCurry claiming Starr is
making a backdoor attempt to circumvent attorney-client privilege by
demanding that Cockell tell what Clinton and Bennett said. McCurry: "Sneering at the President of the United States is common sport here in Washington now and that's life but the Secret Service agents should not be slimed by Ken Starr and his operatives." Donaldson:
"Later the report was amended to say the sources were on Capitol
Hill, but it gave McCurry a chance once again to beat the independent
counsel over the head for alleged improper leaking." -- CBS Evening
News. For the third night in a row Dan Rather followed the White House
script, claiming Starr is digging into Clinton's "personal
life." Rather announced: -- CNN's The World Today led with the latest on the Secret Service showdown from Bob Franken followed by a piece from John King with White House reaction and complaints the calling of Cockell is proof Starr is "out of control" and that the subpoena of records showing Clinton's whereabouts is just a "fishing expedition." Finally, Pierre Thomas provided a full rundown of Reno's Senate appearance with soundbites from both Republicans questioning her as well as from Democrats attacking Starr. -- FNC's 7pm ET
Fox Report. David Shuster began by looking at the scramble to get the
Secret Service out of testifying. After showing a clip of Reno denying she
is trying to delay Starr, Shuster uniquely told viewers about what some
top law enforcement officials believe: -- NBC Nightly
News began with Claire Shipman on how a judge ruled Wednesday against
delaying the Thursday appearance before the grand jury by the Secret
Service officers. Getting to White House outrage over Russert's report,
Shipman observed: Next, from the
White House lawn, Tim Russert told Brokaw Starr is calling in the officers
because "he wants to drive a stake at the heart of the relationship
between the Secret Service and the President..." "Perhaps" agents "may have" been doing something but it may just be "spin" from any one of three angles. If Matt Drudge promoted such an item the journalistic establishment would be all over him.
Here's the relevant exchanges between Miller on Chris Matthews as caught by MRC news analyst Geoffrey Dickens on the July 14 Hardball on CNBC. Chris Matthews:
"Do you think it is surprising that anything else would have happened
if the President after six months has refused to tell us what happened.
After having promised us he would. He promised he would. He didn't have
to promise but he said, 'I'm going to give you more rather than less,
sooner rather than later,' and henceforth from that there wasn't a
peep out of him." Miller: "Look
I'm not saying that Ken Starr is a zealot or somehow a you know, a weird
guy who is hellbent just on getting the President. I think Starr is an
honorable man who has lost his perspective. Which can happen, it's an
occupational hazard for independent counsels when they are set after a
person instead of after a crime. And I think as Starr gets closer to the
prospect of having to indict a young woman, Monica Lewinsky, for the
purpose of trying to get to a President, again all over concealing an
affair, he himself will realize that there are better courses to..."
Remember Nina Burleigh, the Time contributor and former Time reporter who recounted in Mirabella magazine her encounter with Clinton on Air Force One and how much she wished to be "ravished" by him? Called about the article by the Washington Post's Howard Kurtz, he quoted her as proclaiming of Clinton: "I'd be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal." See the July 7 CyberAlert for details. Well, now she's filled in what word she really used in the spot the Post bracketed and revealed her next sentence to Kurtz, that he did not share with readers, in which she praised Clinton for "keeping the theocracy off our backs." Sounds like a hit at the Christian Right. But at least she admits that she's not unbiased. It's all in the just-released July 20 edition of the New York Observer, the orange-tinted weekly broadsheet. The MRC's Tim Graham alerted me her opinion piece, "My Spin Through the Cycle," relating her experience at becoming a mini-celebrity over her comments. She's even quite proud to have been denounced by MRC Chairman L. Brent Bozell. While the paper has a Web site (, the text of articles is available only through AOL. Key word: NYO. Here's an excerpt of the most illuminating portion of her 1,300 word piece. We pick up with her reciting the call from Kurtz a few days after Mirabella hit newsstands: Mr. Kurtz rang. "I hear you wrote an article about your legs," he opened, with a small snicker. "Have you read the piece?" I asked. He admitted he had not, but planned to do so and would call me back. I started feeling queasy. I pointed out to Howard that American jets had bombed an Iraqi radar station in southern Iraq that morning. He was undeterred. When he called back, I decided my only defense would be to give him a quote that would knock his socks off. I also wanted to test the Post's new "sizzle" -- the paper's post-We Broke the Lewinsky Story advertising hook. So when Howard asked whether I could still objectively cover the President, having found him so attractive, I replied, "I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs." I recognized Howard's visceral response to my words by his sudden intake of breath and the spurt of pounding fingers of keyboard. I'd never been on that side of a good quote before. It was better than sex! For days afterward, I wondered whether he would have the guts to run the quote. After all, sizzle does not equal pornography. Lo and behold, on Monday, he printed it, to the enormous hilarity of my girlfriends in Washington and the horror of my former colleagues at Time. He sanitized "blowjob" only slightly by putting "oral sex" in brackets, and noted that it is "unusual for a journalist" to express such an opinion. Many are the dinner discussions I've had with pious Washington Post reporters that ended in screaming matches about reportorial objectivity. More than any other journalists I've met, Post reporters like Mr. Kurtz hold fast to the notion that they are personally capable of what I consider to be only a Platonic ideal. I refuse to believe that any human being is capable of the kind of androidlike unbiased observational qualities that Post reporters say they possess. I think they are secretly a little envious of those of us who do say what we think. I mean, who wouldn't covet becoming the subject of a Brent Bozell press release in Washington? Brent Bozell is the director of Media Research Center, a right-wing media watchdog group always looking for left-wing leanings among the scrupulously middle-of-the-road Washington press corps. He wrote me up on Tuesday in a mass fax I will frame and cherish forever. "Nina Burleigh's comment that she would give [oral sex] to the President to thank him for keeping abortion legal is an apt metaphor for the way the liberal media has treated Clinton." Come on, Brent, it's our patriotic duty! END EXCERPT Definitely a novel definition of patriotism. -- Brent Baker >>>
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