More MSNBC; Veterans for
Two items today:
1) More on MSNBC's
liberal agenda. Tom Brokaw and Bill Moyers take on Clinton -- from the
left, in interviews with the Carters and a union boss.
2) Bill Clinton
addressed a group a disabled veterans and NBC reports that they all love
him and have forgiven his draft avoidance because he's the only thing
stopping Bob Dole from cutting off their Medicare payments.
Cal Thomas wrote a column a few days ago (it ran in The Washington Times
on July 28) noting that NBC's Olympic coverage is tailored to women,
downplaying "manly" sports like baseball, in order to attract
more female viewers. So why, he asked, "doesn't MSNBC go after the
huge disaffected audience who believe the media, especially news, is
incredibly slanted in a liberal direction?" To show how MSNBC has
missed this opportunity Thomas offered some quotes from MSNBC's InterNight
that were sent in earlier MRC e-mails.
Well, the policy of letting InterNight hosts use
their position as a platform for liberal views continues. (In the case of
Tom Brokaw, MSNBC is giving him enough time so that personal political
views come through.) Here are a few more examples from the 8pm ET
interview show.
-- Last
Thursday, July 25, Tom Brokaw interviewed Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter. As
transcribed by MRC intern Jessica Anderson, here's how he began:
"Good evening on a soft, summer evening here in Atlanta. Whether it's
hammering together agreements in Haiti or homes in South Dakota,
monitoring elections in Latin America or fighting disease in Africa, it
seems there's nowhere that Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalyn won't go if
there's a job that needs to be done. Jimmy Carter is arguably the
influential former President in history, his profile and his popularity
just keep growing."
Talking about the welfare reform bill, Brokaw
queried from the left: "Mrs. Carter are you concerned about the
nation's children? You know, there are some estimates that a million may
go below the poverty line if this bill is signed."
And later after Mrs. Carter explains that
"one thing, though, that has happened to Hillary is that one of the
best ways to get to a President, or really hurt a President, is to
criticize the First Lady, so I think a lot of it is politics," Brokaw
asked: "Some of it, obviously, has to do with some legal questions,
as well, obviously. She's had to testify before a grand jury, but all that
aside, and those are serious issues, do you think that this country is not
as far along as we'd like to believe when it comes to dealing with gender
-- The
next night, July 26, Bill Moyers talked with AFL-CIO President John
Sweeney. In true PBS fashion, he also came at Clinton from the left,
portraying him as no better than any Republican controlled by corporate
interests. Here are a few of his questions as transcribed by MRC intern
Jonathan Stuart:
Moyers: "There's an anomaly here. During the
years when family real wages were eroding, when inequalities were growing,
when corporations were getting increased power and sending jobs to
out-sourcing and overseas, the Democrats controlled the Congress, both the
Senate and the House. What makes you think there's much difference in the
two parties these days in Congress given the fact that both parties are
very heavily beholden to the power of financial contributions from big
Moyers: "[Clinton] hasn't stopped wage
erosion and inequality. He hasn't stopped the huge lay-offs of the
corporations, we get them almost weekly now. There's a real sense that he
is as comfortable with big business as he is with you, and that big
business has the upper hand there."
Moyers: "When you and I were growing up, and
we are the same age by the way, we had a sense of the social contract. If
you worked hard, you got rewarded. Labor, business, and government were
working together for common purposes. What's your own estimate of what's
happened to that idea of a social contract?"
Moyers: "Workers are up against corporate
power, up against an unregulated market economy globally, and they're up
against big money domination of politics. What can a union do for workers
in that environment?"
On Sunday President Clinton addressed the Disabled American Veterans. ABC
and CBS did stories on Clinton and Dole comments about the terrorism bill
in the wake of the Olympic bombing, but only NBC did a full piece on the
DAV visit. I was alerted to NBC's story by an e-mail recipient who pointed
out how Clinton escaped any criticism in it. Indeed, it reads like a
campaign video with all of Clinton's points hit. Here's the full story by
John Palmer on the July 28 NBC Nightly News:
Tom Brokaw: "President
Clinton went campaigning today at the annual convention of Disabled
American Veterans, and his message was well received. Here's NBC's John
John Palmer: "Security was especially tight for the President's
appearance reflecting higher security concerns following the Atlanta
bombing. Today's appearance gave the President the chance to stress the
need for a stronger defense, a high priority issue with veterans. He also
touted his commitment to quality health care, especially for veterans and
the disabled."
[Bill Clinton: "We are committed to keeping the VA health care system
strong into the twenty-first century, and we know that requires us to
carry out a dramatic restructuring that will improve the quality of care
and make our hospitals more patient centered and less bureaucratic."]
Palmer: "This group represents a natural constituency for Bob Dole,
partially disabled from injuries during World War II. But many, including
influential members, of the DAV have expressed concern about Dole
commitment to protect federal programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid. The
President got a warm reception."
[Donald Sios, Disabled American veteran: "He's done a lot. He's been
there to support us, his programs. We are appreciative of that."]
[John McCoy, Disabled American veteran: "Even though I disagree on
some of his policies and his past, you know, on Vietnam, him not going.
That carries a hard spot with me, but he has been there for the
Palmer: "In his remarks, Mr. Clinton also addressed the issue of
terrorism saying, it must be fought on a global basis."
[Bill Clinton: "We all have to say we can not live with this. It is
wrong. People must seek to resolve their differences by ways other than
killing innocent civilians."]
Palmer: "The President said he asked congressional leaders to meet
with him tomorrow at the White House to discuss new legislation to fight
terrorism. He mentioned expanding wire-tapping authority and
reconsideration of a law that would require manufacturers to chemically
tag explosives, so they can be traced. John Palmer, NBC News, with the
President in New Orleans."
There you have it. Bill Clinton
is pro-defense and even disabled veterans have turned to him for
protection against extremist GOP budget cutting plans. --
Brent Baker
