CyberAlert -- 08/22/2002 -- McKinney's Opponent Got Money from "Supporters of Israel"
McKinney's Opponent Got Money from "Supporters of Israel"; CBS vs. Katherine Harris; "Very Sensible" Left-Wing Group; CBS's Rose Demands Clinton Get Credit; Gibson's Clinton Tie; CNN's Lewinsky-Lay "Separation" Game >>> Time magazine's liberal environmental advocacy. Now online, a new Media Reality Check. "Trying to Make Green Ideology Mainstream: While the Earth Is Still Threatened by Capitalism,
Time Offers Hugs to Pro-Environmental Businesses." The report, by the MRC's Rich Noyes, examines the August 26 Time magazine's lengthy cover story: "How to Save the Earth." To read the August 21 Media Reality Check:
One, the Washington Post reported, once declared: "Let us damn America, let us damn Israel. Let us damn their allies until death." Jennings also skipped over how McKinney had marginalized herself by claiming that President Bush knew in advance of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Instead of describing her as an Arab supporter, he distorted her affection for the radical Muslim and Palestinian causes by depicting her only as "a vocal critic of President Bush's Middle East policy." On the August 21 World News Tonight, Jennings read this short item about the Tuesday election results: Over on the CBS Evening News, John Roberts managed to note McKinney's outlandish claim about Bush while not offering fears about the role of supporters of Israel: "Primary voters in Georgia have muffled two outspoken, high-profile members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Four-term Republican firebrand Bob Barr, a vocal leader in the campaign to impeach President Clinton, lost almost two-to-one to another Republican incumbent, John Linder, in a redrawn district. And five-term Democrat Cynthia McKinney was ousted by a relative political unknown. McKinney created a storm by suggesting President Bush may have known in advance about the September 11th attacks." The August 21 NBC Nightly News didn't mention the primary results. In Wednesday's Washington Post, reporter Edward Walsh filled in the half of the story ignored by Jennings, noting how both Majette and McKinney received lots of out-of-state money: "Jewish donors and pro-Israel organizations from around the country poured money into Majette's campaign, while most of McKinney's contributions came from donors with Muslim or Arab surnames who live outside the district." And some of those McKinney donors support terrorism, reporter Thomas Edsall recounted in the August 13 Washington Post. An excerpt: The reelection campaign of Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) has received campaign contributions from at least 18 donors who are either officers of Muslim foundations under investigation by the FBI, have voiced support for Palestinian and Lebanese terrorist organizations or have made inflammatory statements about Jews. Questions about the donors' backgrounds mark the latest twist in a House race heavily funded by outside groups interested in the Israeli-Palestinian struggle. Most of McKinney's money has come from non-district residents with Muslim or Arab surnames. Her Democratic challenger, former state judge Denise Majette, is heavily funded by Jews living outside Georgia.... McKinney's backers include: -- Abduraham Alamoudi, a board member of the American Muslim Council, who declared at a White House demonstration in October 2000, "We are all supporters of Hamas," or Islamic Resistance Movement, a principle sponsor of suicide bombings in Israel. -- Many of the officers of a network of foundations and business, most based in Herndon, Va., that were raided by federal officials in mid-March. Federal investigators have been trying to determine how these groups raised and spent at least $1.7 billion. -- Sami Al-Arian, a Florida professor whose past videotaped remarks include: "Let us damn America, let us damn Israel. Let us damn their allies until death," and "Victory to Islam, death to Israel."... END of Excerpt For the article in its entirety:
Fast forward about 21 months and Harris is now a GOP candidate for a U.S. House seat from Florida and CBS is denigrating her again. In a story not pegged to any news event, reporter Byron Pitts looked at her candidacy: "Harris is a GOP rock star who cut her teeth on the national stage as Florida's Secretary of State when she oversaw, and some still argue manipulated, that messy, often bitter, 2000 presidential election recount in Florida." He referred to her district around Sarasota as "hard-core, big money Republican Party territory" and, treating the Democratic candidate as some sort of independent authority, led into a soundbite from the Democrat by asserting: "The best weapon against Katherine Harris seems to be Katherine Harris." Despite a campaign "stumble" when Harris did not resign her state office before making her candidacy official, Pitts acknowledged she is "still" the "heavy favorite" and, he warned, she "could be heading to Washington." CBS Evening News anchor John Roberts introduced the August 21 story, which aired just after his short item on the Georgia primary results: "There is another House race -- this one in Florida -- that's getting a lot of national attention because it features Florida's nationally famous former Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Byron Pitts reports it's been a bumpy ride along the campaign trail." Pitts began, as taken down by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth: "Meet Katherine Harris. She's a hugger, a kisser, an in-your-face, all-eyes-on-you campaigner. And she's raised $2.3 million, more money than just about any congressional candidate in the country. Make no mistake, Harris is a GOP rock star who cut her teeth on the national stage as Florida's Secretary of State when she oversaw, and some still argue manipulated, that messy, often bitter, 2000 presidential election recount in Florida." In January, at the MRC's "Dishonors Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters of 2001," on behalf of Dan Rather, Katherine Harris accepted the "The Sore Losers Award
(for Refusing to Concede Bush's Victory in Florida)" for this reporting by Rather during a special report on November 26, 2000 as Harris was signing the official certification: For RealPlayer videos of Rather saying that on CBS and of Harris accepting the award on Rather's behalf at the MRC dinner: The main Dishonor Awards page:
Anchoring the August 21 NBC Nightly News on Wednesday night, Williams touted: "The folks the very sensible, Washington-based Center for Science in the Public Interest -- these are the people who've exposed the evils of Italian dinners, Chinese takeout and movie theater popcorn -- have tonight identified some fast food items they like. They include Burger King's 'Chicken Whopper Junior,' which they say is a normal size portion and it actually tastes grilled; Wendy's 'Mandarin Chicken Sandwich,' which they say could be served in a bistro; and McDonald's 'Fruit and Yogurt,' which they call a nutrition-rich bargain." Let's pause here so I can note that I now know of three meals to avoid. Williams continued: "Of course it's not all good here. They couldn't resist pointing out a few things they're outraged by. Topping this year's list: Burger King's 'Old Fashioned Ice Cream Shake.' The large size has 1200 calories and 42 grams of fat and they say it will help you to what they call, their words, 'an old fashioned heart attack.'" If you ever wondered why these liberal cranks get so much publicity from a press release, now you know. A major figure in the mainstream media, the future permanent anchor of the highest-rated daily television news program, seriously considers them to be "very sensible."
When Hannity told Rose that welfare reform "came from Republicans who dragged Bill Clinton kicking and screaming," MRC analyst Brian Boyd noticed that Rose countered: "I think that was the Clinton administration." Rose soon effused: "Guess who gave us the first balanced budget?" When Hannity suggested "John Kasich and Pete Domenici," Rose started laughing and exclaimed: "Yeah, really. Do you think they could have done it without Bob Rubin and Bill Clinton, a balanced budget, come on." Rose, who used to be a regular fill-in on the old CBS This Morning, now is part of the 60 Minutes II team and hosts his own daily late night talk show on PBS. For a picture of him, check the Web site for his PBS show: Back to the Wednesday CBS segment, Rose challenged Hannity: "Now, listen to this subtitle, 'winning the war of liberty over liberalism.' Cable television is full of conservatives. You're winning that battle." Well, conservatives certainly aren't in control at CBS News. After a bit of an argument over how strong Democrats are on defense and the stand of Tom Daschle on Iraq, Rose jumped to domestic politics, deriding Hannity's view: "Welfare reform came from what administration?" Hannity pointed out how Republicans took over Congress in 1994 and it is Congress which approves all spending. Rose again tied fiscal responsibility to Clinton: "Doesn't it scare you to death, that we had all these deficits coming in when Clinton took over, then surpluses when he left, and now we have deficits again? As a good sound fiscal conservative that's got to worry you." CBS has posted, on The Early Show Web page, an excerpt from Hannity's book:
But no one knew about the connection, at least I never heard anything about it, until Jessica Gibson's career highlights made the weddings page of Sunday's New York Times, a revelation highlighted on Wednesday by Rush Limbaugh after Charles Gibson mentioned it on GMA.
The item confirmed that "her father is a host of Good Morning America and Prime Time on ABC. Her mother is the head of the Spence School, the private girls' school in New York." The Times announcement recounted how the couple met while both were part of the Clinton presidential team: "The bride and bridegroom met in March 1999 in Guatemala, where they were working on an advance mission for a visit by President Bill Clinton. Ms. Gibson was then a special assistant to the director for legislative affairs at the White House, and Mr. Rosen was the director of the office of advance and a special assistant to the President." The item is online in full: (The MRC's Mez Djouadi will add to the posted version of this CyberAlert the picture of Charlie Gibson and his daughter which GMA put on screen.) On Wednesday's GMA, after showing some video of the wedding celebration in Utah from Saturday, co-host Elizabeth Vargas picked up on how the couple met, MRC analyst Jessica Anderson noticed. Vargas: "It was interesting to read that Jessica and Rob met in Guatemala." This disclosure puts Gibson's coverage of Clinton, his impeachment and Republican presidential politics into a whole new light. Since we know his daughter worked for Clinton at least during 1999, I'll confine my archive highlights to that year: -- ABC's Good Morning America offered a new co-hosting team as of Monday morning, but the same old liberal take on the day's events. In the very first interview of the show, Charlie Gibson, who is now paired with Diane Sawyer, hit Bob Dole with a series of questions from the liberal side of the debate over whether to hold Clinton accountable. Gibson pressed Bob Dole five times about why Republicans are pushing ahead with an impeachment trial: "Why is your party dragging this thing out?" -- And on the left: Charlie Gibson. On Monday's Good Morning America he asked Bob Dole why Republicans are dragging out the trial. On Tuesday, he pressed George Mitchell about why Republicans want to "drag this out." -- Two GMA guests were pressed about prolonging the trial as Charlie Gibson demanded of Dennis Hastert: "Why drag this out? Why are your managers over there...pressing for witnesses?" -- "So the thing to do as a spin-meister, get the facts out, and then try to put the best possible interpretation on them with the press," ABC's Charlie Gibson prompted Lanny Davis who absurdly replied: "That's what we tried to do in the Clinton White House." -- ABC's Good Morning America broadcast live from the White House this morning, presenting a two hour special titled "Kids & Guns: Is There a Solution?" The show dropped many ad breaks to allow more time with the Clintons. For 45 uninterrupted minutes from about 7:30am to 8:15am ET Bill and Hillary Clinton, with Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer hosting, talked in the Roosevelt Room with a group of high school students. -- GMA's Charlie Gibson portrayed Hillary as a victim about to be set upon by a mean press corps and opponent. He rebuked a columnist who was "really rough" and expressed concern that questions for her "are gonna be brutal." -- Clueless in Manhattan. By 70 to 30 percent those answering an poll opposed Hillary's candidacy. "I am really the size of that majority," admitted GMA's Gibson. -- "I suspect a lot of people would find it the height of irony that Linda Tripp files a suit for invasion of privacy," declared ABC's Charlie Gibson as he doubted Clinton officials did wrong. -- ABC's Charlie Gibson labeled Bush's fundraising as "obscene" and then, picking up on Bush's attack on conservatives, asked if the GOP is "out of touch" and "too much a captive of the Right?"
CNN brought aboard Eamom Javers of the Washington Business Forward magazine to outline what Judy Woodruff described as "a humorous feature: six degrees of Ken Lay." Javers laid out some scenarios linking Lay to other scandals, starting with Monica Lewinsky: "Lewinsky received job advice from Vernon Jordan just before the sex scandal broke. Vernon Jordan sits on the board of directors of Revlon, which is headed by Ron Perelman. Ron Perelman was financed in many of his deals by junk-bond king Michael Milken. Michael Milken lobbied in California for energy deregulation with Kenneth Lay." His second scenario: "Bob Dole hawks Viagra for Pfizer Corporation on TV. On the Pfizer Corporation's board is Frank Raines. Frank Raines is Clinton's former OMB director, who is now trying to bring a baseball team to D.C. with Fred Malek. Fred Malek served in the Nixon administration. Nixon also employed Lawrence Eagleburger. Eagleburger later joined the board of Halliburton, where Dick Cheney served as CEO. Dick Cheney later met to discuss energy policy with Ken Lay." Javers proceeded to outline the trail between Kevin Bacon himself and Lay. After watching these convoluted paths, especially how many steps it took to link Lewinsky to Lay, MRC analyst Ken Shepherd suggested a shorter route from Lewinsky to Lay: Lewinsky serviced Bill Clinton. Clinton named Robert Rubin his Treasury Secretary. Rubin, after leaving government, joined CitiBank where he lobbied Bush officials to help prop up the bond rating of Enron which was run by Lay. But playing out that path would require raising Rubin's links to Enron, a subject the news media have studiously avoided. -- Brent Baker