CyberAlert -- 09/15/2000 -- Gore Fundraising Blackout
Gore Fundraising Blackout; Hillary Sleepovers Avoided; Afraid of Hillary's Power; Gumbel's Memorial Anger; Extremist Gore Boast -- Extra Edition Correction: The September 14 CyberAlert reported how "over two-and-a-half years after she impugned her political opponents, a network television reporter put Hillary Clinton on the spot for her January 1988 'vast right-wing conspiracy' claim." Obviously, two-and-a-half-years ago was January 1998, not 1988.
But just two days earlier, a below-the-fold front
page story in the New York Times fueled a media frenzy which led the three
morning shows and generated full stories that night on the ABC, CBS and
NBC evening shows. That story, you may recall, relayed how an anti-Gore
RNC ad displayed the letter sequence "RATS" for one-thirtieth of
a second, a fact already reported more than two weeks earlier by the Fox
News Channel. See the September 13 CyberAlert for details: MSNBC's The News with Brian Williams mentioned the new fundraising angle in a larger story Thursday night about the big Radio City Music Hall fundraiser for Gore-Lieberman, but the other two cable networks gave it higher priority. It earned a full story on CNN's Inside Politics and topped CNN's The World Today. The Gore development led FNC's Special Report with Brit Hume, on which Jim Angle asserted "the ghosts of the 1996 campaign are once again haunting Al Gore." Actually, they can't haunt him too much if the major networks don't recognize the ghosts. None of the other networks picked up Thursday morning or night on the news FNC broke Wednesday night that Hillary Clinton used White House and Camp David overnights to raise money for her Senate campaign. Not even non-denials Thursday by White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart and Hillary herself moved ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC or NBC from their slumber. (For more on this developing story, see item #3 below.) Instead of telling viewers about Gore's role in
tying donations to presidential action or Hillary's abuse of
presidential residences, ABC's World News Tonight led September 14 with
over two minutes on a GAO report on the increase in advertising in
schools, devoted 2:50 to discrimination against Aborigines in Australia,
took over two minutes for a critical look at Dick Cheney's campaigning
skills (see item #2 for details) and allocated 42 seconds to Peter
Jennings reporting on how NATO bombing "stressed out" bees in
Macedonia so they are producing less honey. The FAA's 737 rudder re-design order led the CBS Evening News which dedicated 2:45 to the ads in schools and 2:20 to arguments over the identity of the "Boston Strangler." NBC Nightly News began with a full story on the presidential debate deal before spending three minutes on Venezuela's efforts to prove Firestone's liability and six minutes previewing the Olympics. But back again to ABC's priorities. Peter Jennings
passed along this hot development: New York Times reporters Don Van Natta Jr. and Richard Oppel Jr. penned the piece in question titled, "Memo Linking Political Donation and Veto Spurs Federal Inquiry." Here's an excerpt of the September 14 front page story the broadcast networks didn't find newsworthy: Vice President Al Gore attended a Houston dinner in November 1995 to promote a budding relationship between the Democratic Party and a handful of powerful Texas trial lawyers. The relationship blossomed, producing $4 million in donations from the lawyers' firms since 1996. But it also produced some heavy-handed fund- raising that has recently drawn the scrutiny of federal campaign finance investigators. At the time of the dinner, the lawyers were deeply troubled by a bill passed by the Republican-led Congress that would have drastically overhauled the nation's litigation system by restricting the amount of money that people injured by faulty products could win in lawsuits. Two days after the dinner, Democratic officials asked Mr. Gore to call several lawyers who attended the dinner to ask each to give $100,000 to the party. Mr. Gore was asked to call Walter Umphrey, a prominent plaintiff's lawyer in Beaumont, Tex., but his aides say he did not make the call. Two weeks later, Donald L. Fowler, then Democratic national chairman, was asked to call Mr. Umphrey to press him for a $100,000 check. On a briefing memorandum for the Fowler call, a Democratic Party aide, wrote these words for Mr. Fowler to tell Mr. Umphrey as the reason for the phone call, "Sorry you missed the vice president," and then, "I know" you "will give $100K when the President vetoes tort reform, but we really need it now. Please send ASAP if possible." Almost always, the memorandums, known as call sheets, were careful to avoid any mention of executive branch actions or donors' legislative wishes. Soliciting contributions and explicitly linking campaign donations to official actions is improper and, in some cases, illegal.... The call sheet's unusual mention of a veto as part of a solicitation of a $100,000 donation has attracted the attention of Robert J. Conrad Jr., the head of the Justice Department's campaign finance task force, who has opened a preliminary investigation into the matter, several law enforcement officials said.... END Excerpt To read the entire story, go to:
On World News Tonight, as transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth, Linda Douglass reviewed reviews of Cheney's campaigning skills: "Dick Cheney's move from the boardroom to the campaign trail has not been an easy one. Kissing babies is not his style. When he accuses Al Gore of lying about Bush's prescription drug plan, there is not much passion....Loyal Republicans say they like Cheney's style. They insist they don't want someone who gets too worked up." Nonetheless, Douglass relayed, "the Bush
campaign is scrambling to retool Cheney's image after weeks of press
reports describing his style as leaden. For the first time, there are made
for TV backdrops and staged photo-ops. He is trying gesture and come out
from behind the podium. Cheney insists he just needs a little
practice." She asked him: "Do you think the overall press
coverage has been a little unfair?" Douglass concluded: "Bush chose Cheney for his ability to govern, but to govern he must campaign first. He has already learned one important lesson, that it is hard to make campaigning look easy."
Rather offered a liberal take on what he labeled a "joint appearance, promulgating the usual liberal canard about how those opposed to Hillary just can't accept a woman in a leadership role: "Strong feelings surrounding her run for office in some ways reflect the very different opinions people have about women's changing role in society." Fox News Channel advanced the sleepover story the network broke on Wednesday night after the Drudge Report revealed the New York Times was suppressing its story on the matter. Thursday night on Special Report with Brit Hume, reporter Brian Wilson showed how key figures reacted to the charge with non-denials, thus giving a news hook every other network skipped. Specifically, not a word Thursday morning on CBS and nothing in the evening or morning on ABC and NBC and while CNN and MSNBC reviewed the debate Thursday night, neither touched on the sleepover disclosure. Wilson updated viewers: "Fox News has learned
some in the White House have raised concerns about 26 instances since the
summer of 1996 [meant 1999] where couples spent the night at the White
House or the presidential retreat at Camp David after contributing or
promising to contribute money to the First Lady's Senate campaign.
Campaigning in Buffalo, Hillary Clinton did not deny the report but
dismissed it as a non-story." Parse that statement. Notice how "friends" are defined as people she is "getting to know." In normal parlance that means "strangers." Wilson added that White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart promised a list of guest names by next week. Dan Rather didn't bother with any of this emerging story on the September 14 CBS Evening News as he instead delivered a liberal interpretation of the debate, I mean "joint appearance." Rather referred to "their mean and expensive race for a New York Senate race" and claimed the debate, oops, "joint appearance," displayed "vintage New York politics -- part street fight and part theater." Rather elaborated: "Columbia University
professor and veteran New York political observer Esther Fuchs says
Hillary Clinton's candidacy has taken us into unchartered waters." Rather proclaimed: "Mrs. Clinton's candidacy
has polarized not only New Yorkers, but observers in the rest of the
country as well. The strong feelings surrounding her run for office in
some ways reflect the very different opinions people have about women's
changing role in society." Of course if women in powerful, leadership political roles scare people then how did two states elect women to fill both their Senate seats? Dan Rather just can't accept that the problem is Hillary's viewpoints and qualifications, not her gender. It's Rather who seems afraid, afraid of being
critical of Saint Hillary. For proof, check out his glowing profile of her
on 60 Minutes II last year in which he proclaimed: "Once a political
lightning rod, today she is political lightning." Go to:
-- CNBC's Rivera Live, September 13. As
transcribed by MRC analyst Geoffrey Dickens, Rivera wondered: "How do
you think Tim Russert's question about the Lewinsky incident played? Did
it, did it cut against the First Lady or do you think maybe it generated a
bit of sympathy for her?" No, she did lie. For details about Russert's question and
Hillary's answer, and to watch a RealPlayer clip of the exchange from
the debate, go to: Veteran reporter Carl Bernstein later piped in: "I was struck by the fact that I thought Hillary Clinton tonight looked like a thoughtful grown-up and Rick Lazio looked, to me, like a high schooler/college debater. And I think what she really needed to do was to look like a Senator. And I think she went a long way toward doing that, that tonight." -- ABC's Good Morning America, September 14. Diane
Sawyer, MRC analyst Jessica Anderson noticed, asked George Stephanopoulos:
"What about the moment of reviving the interview about the whole
Monica Lewinsky affair. How will she feel about this morning about
In his Thursday "Political Grapevine"
segment on Special Report with Brit Hume, Hume relayed: For the story Hume cited, go to:
The September 14 Washington Post described the winning design selected by the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation: "The crescent-shaped memorial will have a hard-surface interior softened by cherry trees on the basin rim and a thick planting of tall, leafy trees along the other border. In the center will be a simple shaft of stone." On the September 14 The Early Show on CBS Gumbel asked co-designer Boris Dramov: "I'm not an art critic either, or an architectural critic, or a landscape critic, I'm just a critic. Why no statue to Dr. King as part of the memorial?" Gumbel pursued the issue, demanding of MLK Jr. National Memorial Foundation's Adrian Wallace: "Since Dr. King would be the only African-American represented or memorialized on the National Mall, you don't think it at all bothersome that of all of the people memorialized on the Mall he alone would be diminished in stature? That doesn't bother anybody here?" Houston to Gumbel: The Washington Monument has no statue of George Washington. Gumbel whined: "Why only now, what is it 20, 32 years after his death are we finally getting around to putting this up?" Houston to Gumbel: That's a lot sooner than memorials for Lincoln or FDR were built after their deaths. Gumbel next took a shot at the Reagan years:
"Fair to say the climate of the '80s set you back a little
The individual articles researched and written by FMP Director Rich Noyes: -- Biased, Incomplete Network Coverage of
Candidates' Drug Plans To read the rest of the article, go to: -- TV's Skimpy Tax Cut News Shortchanges Voters To read the rest of
the study, go to: -- ABC's Bob Woodruff For the rest of the story, go to:
-- On the Late Show, David Letterman asked Gore:
"From the first inauguration to this moment just give me one or
two things that really, when they happened you went home and you said
to yourself I'm so proud and happy to be doing what I'm doing.
There must have been moments that filled you with great joy." The second of two events he recounted: "When I was able to go over to the international negotiation on global warming and helped to get a treaty -- called the Kyoto Treaty -- it sounds a little arcane but actually it's a very serious environmental problem that we have to take the leading role in addressing." So much for Al Gore the moderate/centrist. The Kyoto Protocols are so extreme the Senate has yet to take up the treaty because Democratic Senators don't want to go on the record with their vote on it. Will any reporters pick up on this boast about such an outside the mainstream position? -- From the September 14 Late Show with David Letterman, the "Top Ten Rejected Gore-Lieberman Campaign Slogans," as read by Al Gore: 10. "Vote For Me Or I'll Come To Your Home And Explain My
191-Page Economic Plan To You In
Excruciating Detail" -- Appearing on NBC's Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Joe Lieberman sang a slightly customized version of "My Way." It may not reflect media bias, but this is the event I bet the most people would be interested in seeing and hearing. So, late Friday morning the MRC's Kristina Sewell and Andy Szul will post a RealPlayer clip of Lieberman belting out his tune. Go to: -- Brent Baker
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