CyberAlert -- 09/21/2000 -- Not Knocked on "Nudge"
Not Knocked on "Nudge"; Gore Gaffe Delay; CBS Pounced on "Racist" Pro-GOP Ad; Focused on Whitewater Probe Costs & Timing -- Extra Edition
Instead, Wednesday night ABC plugged the effectiveness of Gore's business-bashing: "Anti-big business rhetoric may play particularly well this season. Endless airline delays, sky high electric bills, and the massive tire recall have corporate America on the ropes." In a story in the September 20 Washington Post, Mike
Allen reported from Beverly Hills: Allen later quoted Lieberman: "'It's true from time to time we have been, will be critics -- or nudges -- but I promise you this: We will never put the government in the position of telling you by law, through law, what to make,' Lieberman said. 'We will nudge you, but will never become censors.'" World News Tonight anchor Peter Jennings introduced
the show's campaign story of the day: "ABC's Betsy Stark has been
looking at this question of Al Gore identifying himself with the little
people against big business." Stark gave ammunition to Gore's cause, as transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth: "The Vice President has hammered American industry. Americans are historically suspicious of big companies. An ABC News poll finds that 63 percent think large corporations have too much power. And anti-big business rhetoric may play particularly well this season. Endless airline delays, sky high electric bills, and the massive tire recall have corporate America on the ropes. The Gore campaign says the Vice President is not targeting corporate America. He's targeting specific industries. He's not anti-business, he's pro-consumer." Citing their support for NAFTA, China trade and a ban on Internet taxation Stark declared: "Gore and his running mate actually have solid pro-business records." Stark then picked up on concerns from the business
community: "But business groups comforted by that record in the past
say all voters are hearing now is anti-business rhetoric, and it's
dangerously hot." Stark concluded: "Al Gore may need big business if he wins, but it's working families he thinks will get him elected. And for the moment, anti-business populism is selling well."
To read an excerpt from the Globe story, to link to
the full piece and to see a RealPlayer clip of Gore uttering the made up
numbers, go to: Wednesday night John Roberts looked at how Gore has implemented a "front runner strategy" in which the campaign message is tightly controlled and he rarely talks with reporters. Roberts warned, however: "But the defense broke
down yesterday, as Gore scrambled to rebut accusations that he fabricated
a personal anecdote, comparing costs of an arthritis drug for his dog with
those of his mother-in-law." Roberts then concluded: "It took the Gore campaign two days just to come up with that response. It was the closest that the Vice President has come to being pulled off message in the last month and giving the Bush campaign just the kind of opening they're looking to pounce on." Yeah, and it took CBS News two days to report on the Monday Globe story. And Gore only came close to "being pulled off message" because unlike what happened to Bush when a newspaper made the "RATS" letters in an ad into a story, not every broadcast network show pounced and made it the top story. MSNBC's The News with Brian Williams arrived on the Globe discovery a day late but still a day before the CBS Evening News, but only by accident as Chris Matthews mentioned it in responding to a question about how Gore is avoiding the media. On the September 19 show, MRC analyst Paul Smith noticed, Brian Williams asked Chris Matthews live from California: "Let's talk about the availability of the Vice President. There have been complaints that he is in the bubble to use a worn phrase and that is kept a safe distance from media and shouted questions." Matthews, who is serving as a MSNBC reporter while Hardball is dumped for the Olympics, replied from Sunnyvale, California where he was traveling with the Gore campaign: "Well, I'd compare it to Dean Smith's old UNC four corner offense. He is continuing to play offense, staying on message, but avoiding the press. He is moving the ball and he doesn't want to get into the situation that happened last week to Governor Bush where Bush was attacked both by the Gore people and by the press over mispronunciation of words, over ad copy, over all kinds of things. Gore was almost under assault today on the question of whether he was wrong when he compared the price of medicine that his mother in law, Tipper's mother, paid for some arthritis medicine compared to the amount that is normally paid for dog medicine of that type. He spent a good, his people, rather Chris Lehane his press spokesman spent a good part of today defending that. But as I said, the Vice President stayed in the bubble, stayed out of the action, stayed on message." Yes, "Gore was almost under assault today" as the networks decided to let him off.
Both FNC and CNN showed it to viewers of their political shows. FNC's Jim Angle explained on Wednesday's Special
Report with Brit Hume: "As Gore finished his West Coast swing there
was one little embarrassment to put aside. Gore of course depends on union
members to fill the audiences at his events and to be the foot soldiers
for his campaign. So it was natural when he told the Teamsters this week a
story from his early childhood." Angle pointed out: "The problem is that song is not an old labor lullaby. It's a jingle from an ad campaign written in 1975 when Gore was 27-years-old. Gore aides say what he actually meant was an old 1901 labor song, which has the refrain 'don't forget the union label.'" A hour earlier on CNN's Inside Politics, Bernard
Shaw observed: "The Gore campaign is admitting to a musical misstep
that occurred when the Vice President was formally endorsed by the
Teamsters on Monday." Shaw corrected Gore: "But the problem, as USA Today points out, that 'look for the union label' was not written until 1975, when Al Gore was 27-years-old. Gore spokesman Doug Hattaway says the Vice President misstated, and he was actually sung an older song, 'Don't forget the union label.' That song was written in 1901." +++ Watch Gore sing the lullaby he could not really have recalled from childhood. Late Thursday morning MRC Webmaster Andy Szul will post a RealPlayer clip of CNN's brief item quoted above. Go to: So full credit is given, in Wednesday's USA Today, both reporter Laurence McQuillan and columnist Walter Shapiro caught and pointed out Gore's misstatement.
CBS Evening News anchor Bob Schieffer intoned on the September 20 show: "A televised campaign commercial in Missouri has led to charges tonight that racist tactics are being used in an effort to sway voters to vote Republican." Bill Whitaker opened his piece with a clip of the TV
ad with a woman on a sofa saying: "When Jason started hanging with
the wrong crowd, we had to act fast." Whitaker relayed the liberal complaint: "A
disparaging remark about diversity. Democrats call it 'race-baiting.'
The ad's sponsor says it's not about bad kids but good Republican
policy on school choice." Whitaker used the ad as a launching point about how
there's just too darn much free speech: "He rejects it but says
it's protected free speech. It's part of an exploding, some say out of
control, political trend, election year issue ads, more and more by
outside groups. Most, like this by the Sierra Club for the Democrats, are
welcomed by the parties. According to a report out today, so far this
year, more than 125 organizations have spent more than $342 million on
issue ads, more than in the last two elections combined." Over video of the 1988 Willie Horton ad, Whitaker concluded by lamenting: "And ugly or not, they can work. The controversial Willie Horton ad by an outside group helped George W. Bush's father win the presidency by painting Michael Dukakis soft on crime. And the trend is clear. Expect campaigns with more outside ads and more controversy." Now compare the ad which so outraged CBS with one they ignored two years ago, as recounted in the November 16, 1998 MRC newsletter, MediaWatch: When the Missouri Democratic Party targeted blacks with a race-baiting ad in the St. Louis area, it only made it into the national spotlight on Fox News Sunday and FNC's Fox Report. Running on local black radio stations, the ad tried to scare minority voters to the polls: "When you don't vote, you let another church explode. When you don't vote, you allow another cross to burn. When you don't vote, you let another assault wound a brother or sister. When you don't vote, you let the Republicans continue to cut school lunches and Head Start." Despite such inflammatory tactics, the ad didn't make a single ripple among other news shows. But Tony Snow on the November 1 Fox News Sunday challenged guest Rep. Barney Frank about the appropriateness of the ads: "Congressman, the President said that one of the hallmarks he wants to make is in civil rights, and I know that you've been actively involved in a number of civil rights issues. What I want to do is to play for you an ad that's been running in the St. Louis area, and there are also some counterparts around the country, and I want to get your reaction to it....Congressman, is that fair play?" Snow again brought up the ad in a segment with guest Paul Begala, a presidential counselor: "Is it part of the Democratic strategy to scare black voters into going to the polls?" During the show's final roundtable discussion, Snow asked Juan Williams of The Washington Post what he thought about the ad, and Williams responded by calling it "scandalous," "incendiary," and "patronizing" to black voters. The day before the election, Jim Angle's piece on FNC's Fox Report about President Clinton's efforts to get out the black vote included White House accusations of Republicans trying to intimidate black voters. After clips from White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart and President Clinton making this claim, Angle turned to RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson for a response: "Nicholson pointed to Democratic ads that he said equate voting Republican with racism, such as this radio ad from the Missouri Democratic Party." END Reprint So, does the mention of "diversity" make the current pro-GOP ad racist? Judge for yourself. Tuesday's Special Report with Brit Hume played it in its entirety. Except for one scene, the whole ad is of a woman sitting on a couch as she advocates educational savings accounts. As she bemoans how her son started "hanging with the wrong crowd" in a public school and "we didn't want him in a place where drugs and violence were fashionable, that was a bit more diversity than he could handle," viewers see a white teen unwrapping cloth around a gun. He's in front of an Asian teen as on a nearby stairwell sit a white teen and a black teen. By early afternoon ET Thursday, or maybe a little
later, MRC Webmaster Andy Szul should have, in RealPlayer format, the ad
up as shown by FNC. Go to the posted version of this item:
NBC's Tom Brokaw snidely referred to how Whitewater "may never die in the hearts and minds of hard-core Clinton-bashers." CNN, FNC and NBC all noted how White House obfuscation and appeals delayed the process. NBC's Andrea Mitchell relayed that Ray's report "accuses both Clintons of delays, including the 18 month disappearance of Hillary Clinton's law firm billing records, part of the investigation, and what the prosecutor calls 'unmeritorious litigation.' Translation: White House appeals." But, she later scolded: "Was it necessary for Ray to make the critical comment if there was no reason to prosecute? Was that a political statement?" Good Morning America's Antonio Mora set the tone for the media's reporting later in the day Wednesday. MRC analyst Jessica Anderson picked up on this news brief: "Independent Counsel Robert Ray is releasing his findings today on Hillary Clinton's role in Whitewater. He's not expected to seek an indictment, but he is expected to be critical of the First Lady's actions. Critics have questioned the report's timing, coming just weeks before the Senate election Mrs. Clinton is contesting in New York." Wednesday night on Special Report with Brit Hume FNC's David Shuster stressed how Ray did not say the Clintons did nothing improper: "Ray repeatedly used the words 'insufficient evidence' instead of 'no evidence'" for matters such as hush money given to Web Hubbell. Shuster also noted: "In fact 12 people were convicted in the Whitewater probe, including former Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker and te Clinton's former business partners, the McDougals. Robert Ray claimed the investigation was slowed down by the refusal of Susan McDougal to testify, the delay by the White House in turning over documents and the various claims of privilege by the Clintons, most of those claims rejected by the courts." But the broadcast networks honed to the Clinton spin on Wednesday night, September 20: -- ABC's World News Tonight. Peter Jennings
announced, as transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth: -- CBS Evening News opened with the Whitewater case.
Phil Jones began his piece with a soundbite from Ray: "The
investigation in connection with the Madison Guaranty Whitewater matter is
now closed." Jones failed to mention how Ray pointed out how the
White House delayed the probe, but he highlighted someone who thought Ray
and Starr took too long: "Even Michael Chertoff, who was the
Republican legal counsel for the Senate Whitewater investigation that
ended four years ago, was critical of the independent counsel's office
taking so long." -- NBC Nightly News.
From Sydney, Tom Brokaw snidely intoned: Andrea Mitchell explained: "Hillary Clinton, campaigning today, learns that after six years, three prosecutors, three congressional investigations and at least $46 million, the investigation into the Whitewater land deal is finally finished." After a clip of Hillary, Mitchell relayed how Ray decided there was "insufficient evidence" to prove to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that the Clintons "knowingly participated in criminal conduct." Mitchell then acknowledged what ABC and CBS ignored: "But the report also accuses both Clintons of delays, including the 18 month disappearance of Hillary Clinton's law firm billing records, part of the investigation, and what the prosecutor calls 'unmeritorious litigation.' Translation: White House appeals." Mitchell ran a clip of Joe Lockhart and one of
Ray maintaining he ended the probe in a "responsible and cost
effective manner." Mitchell retorted: "But was it necessary
for Ray to make the critical comment if there was no reason to
prosecute? Was that a political statement?" Mitchell concluded with good news for Hillary: "Political or not, this removes a major worry for Hillary Clinton only six weeks before New Yorkers vote on her Senate bid. In fact her Republican opponent, Rick Lazio, didn't even want to talk about it today, the best evidence to the Clinton campaign that Whitewater is no longer a political problem."
Cochran began his lead piece on rising home oil prices: "Thelma Dicksen, a 72-year-old Democrat, says she may vote Republican if the price of heating oil remains high. With winter coming to her West Philadelphia home, she fears having to cut back on medicine and food to pay for oil." -- Brent Baker
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