Harrison Ford Tells NBC's Gregory Obama Doing 'Wonderful Job'; Blames Media for Political Divisiveness

At the end of an interview with actor Harrison Ford for the NBC Meet the Press web-based feature Press Pass, about his role in a new film about Jackie Robinson, host David Gregory turned to politics: "I know you're politically conscious, politically active. What is your view of the state of things, and the state of the President's performance?" [Listen to the audio]

Ford replied: "I think the President is doing, you know, all things considered, a wonderful job." He then blamed the media for political division in country: "I wish that the country were not so fractious as it is at the moment. I blame a lot of that on the press and the news business. And I wish it wasn't so. And I think it makes things very difficult..."

Ford went on to observe: "I think we're at a moment of real political malaise and it needs to be changed. Something's got to happen and quick. So that we can regain the process, the very unique and critical political process which has always helped this nation to meet its challenges. It ain't happening."

Here is a transcript of the April 14 exchange:


DAVID GREGORY: As we sit here, you're preparing to screen this film at the White House, you'll see our first African-American president and share this story with him. That's an amazing turn of events. And for you, in such an illustrious career, to be able to have this kind of moment to share a piece of your art with the President of the United States.

HARRISON FORD: Well, I'm delighted we have the opportunity. I'm looking forward to it.

GREGORY: Are you – I know you're politically conscious, politically active. What is your view of the state of things, and the state of the President's performance?

FORD: It's a very complex question and if you want to start all over again, we'll start on a new subject. But I think it's-

GREGORY: It's Meet the Press, I like to weave in a few of those curveballs.

FORD: Well, you know, it's – I think the President is doing, you know, all things considered, a wonderful job. I wish that the country were not so fractious as it is at the moment. I blame a lot of that on the press and the news business. And I wish it wasn't so. And I think it makes things very difficult, and I think we're at a moment of real political malaise and it needs to be changed. Something's got to happen and quick. So that we can regain the process, the very unique and critical political process which has always helped this nation to meet its challenges. It ain't happening.

GREGORY: Well, you've done your job very well here with this film about Jackie Robinson. It's an honor to meet you. Thanks for being here.

FORD: My pleasure. Thanks so much.