NBC Still Ingores Romney-Killed-My-Wife Ad, But Finds Time for Obama's Socks

Still working hard to avoid mentioning an outrageous Obama super-PAC ad that basically accused Mitt Romney of being responsible for the cancer death of a woman, Thursday's NBC Nightly News had the gall to instead promote pro-Obama fluff, as anchor Brian Williams gushed: "Knowing a hot product when he sees one, the President today visited the U.S. Olympic training facility in Colorado."

Williams made sure to inform viewers that Obama "Promptly took his shoes off, got on the mat, and said his grandmother would be proud there were no holes in his socks."

After ignoring the nasty Priorities USA ad against Romney for days, ABC's World News on Thursday finally covered it, with correspondent Jonathan Karl describing it as "the single most outrageous ad of the campaign."

The CBS Evening News failed to mention the ad, but on Friday's CBS This Morning, correspondent Nancy Cordes proclaimed that "Republicans and even some Democrats call this ad a new low."

Both the ABC and CBS coverage attempted to frame the particularly harsh ad in the context of things getting nasty on "both sides" in the presidential race.

Frday's NBC Today did take note of a new ad from the Obama campaign, but one suggesting, without evidence, that Romney may not have paid taxes. New reader Natalie Morales declared: "Romney kicks off a four-day bus tour in Virginia tomorrow, this as a new ad from President Obama questions Romney's history of paying income taxes."

Here is a full transcript of Williams's August 9 campaign report:

7:10PM ET

BRIAN WILLIAMS:  Now to the presidential campaign back home. Mitt Romney is expected to announce his choice of a running mate soon. Speculation, as you may know, is heated. Every word he says on the topic is being scrutinized. Our political director, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd spoke exclusively to Governor Romney about it today.

CHUCK TODD: What do you want your running mate to say about you? What do you want your selection to say about what kind of president you're going to be?

MITT ROMNEY: I don't think I have anything for you on the VP running mate other than I certainly expect to have a person that has strength of character, vision for the country, that adds something to the political discourse about the direction of the country. I happen to believe this is a defining election for America, that we're going to be voting for what kind of America we're going to have.

WILLIAMS: Interesting bit of Mitt Romney's exclusive talk with Chuck Todd late today. Part of a special hour to air on MSNBC later this month.

One more note on things political. Knowing a hot product when he sees one, the President today visited the U.S. Olympic training facility in Colorado. Promptly took his shoes off, got on the mat, and said his grandmother would be proud there were no holes in his socks.