With Sleazy Democratic Mayor Finally Set to Resign, ABC and NBC Again Skip Party ID

Why should things change now? NBC and ABC on Thursday night and Friday morning yet again refused to identify San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, accused of sexually harassing 18 women, as a Democrat. ABC's Good Morning America devoted two segments to his impending resignation, but mentioned only "Mayor Bob Filner."

In contrast, GMA on Thursday hyped the controversy of the Lieutenant governor of Texas, a "rising Republican star," caught on a 911 call after he attempted to free his niece from jail. On Friday, only CBS This Morning identified Filner as a Democrat. Reporter Bill Whitaker interviewed the ex-fiancee of "Democrat Bob Filner." Whitaker explained, "They already shared a passion for progressive politics, the fight for the homeless, civil rights, immigrants."

He included a clip of Bronwyn Ingram describing her past excitement: "To have a Democratic mayor in a city that's constantly, you know, run by Republicans was very exciting to a lot of us and we had big plans."

On Thursday night's Evening News, correspondent Ben Tracy noted that "18 women have accused the Democrat mayor of sexual harassment."

NBC's Today on Friday and Nightly News on Thursday both avoided ideological labels.

On ABC's Good Morning America, Ryan Owens described Filner in rough terms: "The circus may finally be leaving town. Mayor Bob Filner spotted loading boxes into an SUV outside city hall."

But he still couldn't manage to mention the D-word. Similarly, World News on Thursday skipped a partisan label.

Way back on July 27, an on-screen Good Morning America graphic identified Filner as a Democrat. But the word was not spoken aloud.

A partial transcript of the August 23 CBS This Morning segment, which aired at 7:32am ET, is below:


BILL WHITAKER: When Democrat Bob Filner was sworn in as mayor of San Diego, Bronwyn Ingram stood proudly by his side. As his fiancé, she had planned to share her life with him. They already shared a passion for progressive politics, the fight for the homeless, civil rights, immigrants.

BRONWYN INGRAM: To have a Democratic mayor in a city that's constantly, you know, run by Republicans was very exciting to a lot of us and we had big plans.

FILNER: It's going to be a time of change for San Diego.

WHITAKER: But now the plans are crumbling in the face of accusations by 18 women who claim they were sexually harassed by Filner. Did you ever see him behave inappropriately towards women any time you were with him?

INGRAM: No. I have not seen any of the behaviors that are being described by the accusers.

FILNER: Do you believe these women?

INGRAM: I would find it hard to believe they were all fabricating those stories.

-- Scott Whitlock is the senior news analyst for the Media Research Center. Click here to follow him on Twitter.