San Diego

Media Research Center

With Sleazy Democratic Mayor Finally Set to Resign, ABC and NBC Again Skip Party ID

Why should things change now? NBC and ABC on Thursday night and Friday morning yet again refused to identify San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, accused of sexually harassing 18 women, as a Democrat. ...

Where's the Party ID? San Diego's $1 Billion Gambling Mayor Not Identified as a Democrat by NY Times

The New York Times ran a front-page story on Maureen O'Connor, the newly disgraced former mayor of San Diego who lost at least $13 million in casinos over the years, wagering a staggering $1 ...
Media Research Center

All Three Networks Fail to Identify Mayor Who Gambled Away a Billion Dollars as a Democrat

All three network morning shows on Friday ignored the fact that the ex-San Diego mayor who gambled away an astonishing $1 billion is a Democrat. ABC's Good Morning America, ...
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