
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

ABC's McFadden Gushes to Michelle Obama: Do You Face 'Extra Pressures and Responsibilities?'

Nightline co-anchor Cynthia McFadden continued her fawning, multi-part profile of Michelle Obama on Monday night, worrying about the "extra responsibilities" that Mrs. Obama faces as an ...

The New York Times on Campaign-Time Jobs Reports: Bush in 2004 vs. Obama in 2012

Hot Air's Ed Morrissey provided some insight into the double standard in the New York Times' coverage of two mediocre September jobs report released on the eve of two presidential elections: ...
Media Research Center

ABC Fawns Over Michelle Obama; 'Mom-In-Chief,' 'Big Hugger'

ABC's Cynthia McFadden was dripping with sugary admiration on Monday for President Obama's "not-so-secret weapon," First Lady Michelle Obama. She touted Obama as a big hugger" and "very warm ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Omits Key Romney Quote While Accusing Him of Hypocrisy

CNN's Soledad O'Brien omitted a key portion of Mitt Romney's remarks back in May as she tried to convict him of hypocrisy with his own words on Monday. Just hours before Romney's key address ...
Media Research Center

Networks Silent on Obama’s Fourth Consecutive Trillion-Dollar Deficit

None of the Big Three broadcast networks noted the release Friday of the Congressional Budget Office’s final determination of the fiscal year 2012 federal budget deficit: $1.1 trillion, the ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Today Pretending That Libya Consulate Attack Isn't News Anymore

The 2007 video of then-Senator Barack Obama hinting at racism in the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina isn't the only news story that NBC's Today show stuck up its nose at during ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Chavez Reelection 'An Emotional Moment in History' for Supporters

In Caracas reporting on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez winning an "unprecedented third term" for Monday's NBC Today, reporter Kerry Sanders seemed to be swept up in the excitement: "For ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Romney Debate Performance 'Completely Overshadowed' When He 'Attacked' Big Bird

During the Week in Buzz segment on Sunday's NBC Today, Ericka Souter, editor of the celebrity gossip blog The Stir, trashed Mitt Romney for announcing plans to cut federal funding of PBS, ...
Media Research Center

Journalists Decry ‘Threat’ to PBS from Romney for ‘Targeting’ Big Bird, Rally to Defense of PBS Subsidy

Liberals, Peggy Noonan noted on Sunday’s This Week roundtable, want Mitt Romney “to be more specific so that you can rouse people against” budget cuts to any program. Indeed, earlier in the ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Soledad O'Brien Twice Implies Romney Is 'Lying'

CNN's Soledad O'Brien twice implied Mitt Romney is lying, on Friday's Starting Point. She pointed to the candidate's admission to being wrong about his 47 percent comments after previously ...
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