
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Millionaire TV Star Tom Brokaw Longs for a Simpler Life: No More 'McMansions'

Tom Brokaw had his Jimmy Carter moment on Tuesday. The veteran journalist appeared on MSNBC's The Cycle to call for Americans to accept a permanent lowering of their standard of living. ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer and Jennifer Granholm Demand Romney Explain His 'Move to the Middle'

On Tuesday's NBC Today, during a panel discussion previewing the second presidential debate, co-host Matt Lauer mandated that Mitt Romney answer charges that he's moderated his positions: "How ...
Media Research Center

Networks Tout Hillary 'Falling on Her Sword' and 'Taking Blame' for Libya, Avoid Specifics

All three morning shows on Tuesday highlighted Hillary Clinton "falling on her sword" and "taking blame" for the growing scandal over Libya. But NBC and ABC avoided specifics. On Good Morning ...
Media Research Center

NBC Unearths Major Scandal: Paul Ryan May Have Washed Dishes That Were Already Clean

In a pathetic attempt to smear Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan ahead of Tuesday's second presidential debate, NBC's Today seized on a story in Monday's Washington Post ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory to Colbert: 'Many People' Think You're Better at 'Getting to Real Truths' Than Media

In a fawning interview with liberal comedian Stephen Colbert on Sunday's Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory praised the Colbert Report host and Daily Show host Jon Stewart: "Why do you ...
Media Research Center

Really, Piers? Liberal Piers Morgan Says Romney 'Just Might Save America'

Has CNN's Piers Morgan had a revelation? Or is he simply praising Mitt Romney in the British press while peddling Democratic talking points on CNN? Romney "just might save America," Morgan ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchor Questions If Libya Should Even Be a Campaign Issue

When a news anchor's Obama-friendly question is slapped down by even a liberal columnist, it's noteworthy. CNN's Carol Costello wondered if Libya should even be a campaign issue, but both her ...
Media Research Center

CNN Hosts Liberal Journalist Carole Simpson, Who Gives Edge to Obama In Tuesday's Debate

Liberal journalist Carole Simpson is at it again. The former debate moderator returned to CNN and cast doubt on Mitt Romney's expectations while building up President Obama's, on Monday. "I ...
Media Research Center

DC's Chef Geoff Protests ObamaCare, While His Wife Norah O'Donnell Aided It at CBS

On Monday, the Cato Institute's Michael F. Cannon spotlighted how more than 150 employers inside the District of Columbia have signed onto a protest letter that decries the local ObamaCare board's ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Columnists Kristof, Krugman Agree: Repealing Obama-Care Would Have a Body Count

Two New York Times' liberal columnists are agreed: Repealing Obama-care would have a massive body count. Paul Krugman: "...many people in America really do die every year because they don’t have ...
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