Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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During his special post-debate Hardball, Chris Matthews's panelists --
with the exception of Republican Michael Steele -- praised moderator Bob
Schieffer’s ability to get Romney “to be quiet.” ...
Martha Raddatz boosted President Obama on ABC after the final presidential debate on Monday evening, just as she did during the earlier vice presidential debate that she moderated. Raddatz ...
In the post debate commentary of the third – and last – presidential debate on foreign policy, on Monday, Chris Matthews just could not help himself spewing another diatribe about the racial ...
Moments after the final presidential debate ended NBC's Brian Williams,
on Monday, declared that Barack Obama came up with the line of the
night. During NBC’s live post debate coverage the NBC ...
Talking to two fellow liberals on Monday, an unhinged Chris Matthews
trashed conservatives and Republicans who opposes Barack Obama's birth
control policies as "birth control Nazis." Matthews ...
Appearing as a panelist on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, Republican strategist Mike Murphy called out journalists for refusing to provide balanced coverage of abortion: "It's
always amazed me how ...
Disgraced ex-CBS anchor Dan Rather delved into conspiracy theories on
Monday, speculating that the Ohio Republican Party could steal the
election for Mitt Romney. In a Facebook posting for Dan ...
On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory grilled Florida Senator Marco Rubio on Mitt Romney's "binders full of women" comment: "Can
you understand why some women have that ...
ABC analyst Matthew Dowd on Sunday cheered the "laudable" Candy Crowley
for propping up Barack Obama with wrong information about Libya during
last week's debate. Referring to a contentious ...
New York Times foreign affairs columnist Tom Friedman, who three weeks ago derided Mitt Romney for how he “acts...as if he learned his foreign policy at the International House of Pancakes,” on ...