
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

NPR Slants Towards Advocates of Obama's Medicare Plan; Omits Conservatives

Julie Rovner, NPR's resident ObamaCare flack, failed to include any conservatives experts for her report on Medicare on Tuesday's All Things Considered. Rovner played two sound bites each from ...
Media Research Center

Matthews Hints at Romney's 'Bad' Motives for Confronting Obama: Mitt 'Looks Down' on the President

Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Wednesday's Hardball hinted that Mitt Romney's confrontational attitude during the debates might have a sinister undertone. After playing a clip of the ...
Media Research Center

CBS Puts Ryan on Defensive, Goes Soft on Libya for Biden

While CBS This Morning hosts served Vice President Joe Biden softball questions on mostly horserace issues and debate optics, they challenged Paul Ryan to defend his voting record. "Does ...
Media Research Center

NBC Asks Biden About Obama 'Disqualifying' Romney; Asks Ryan if Obama 'Won Back Momentum'

Displaying a stunning double standard on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie gave Vice President Joe Biden plenty of room to applaud President Obama's debate performance, while ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos Fawns Over Joe Biden, Then Hits Paul Ryan With VP's Talking Points

George Stephanopoulos offered a classic case of liberal bias on Wednesday, fawning over Joe Biden and, just minutes later, grilling Paul Ryan with the Vice President's talking points. The Good ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory Reassures Obama Supporters: Liberals Can 'Breathe a Sigh of Relief'

Moments after the second presidential debate ended David Gregory rushed to offer assurance to Barack Obama supporters as he declared: "I think liberals can breathe a sigh of relief. It's not ...
Media Research Center

On ABC, Matthew Dowd, Donna Brazile Target Conservatives: Attacks on Crowley 'Sure Sign' Obama Won

Minutes after the second presidential debate ended on Tuesday, ABC pundits Matthew Dowd and Donna Brazile brushed off the three-plus minute advantage of speaking time President Obama had over Mitt ...
Media Research Center

Anderson Cooper Relies on 'Assumptions' to Debase Romney Tax Plan

CNN's Anderson Cooper cited the liberal Tax Policy Center debunking Mitt Romney's tax plan on Monday, without noting that one of the authors admitted the plan could still work with different ...
Media Research Center

CNN (Again) Hosts Lib Journalist Carole Simpson, Who Says 'People Person' Obama Enjoys Debate Advantage

Former debate moderator (and liberal journalist) Carole Simpson has been making the media rounds before Tuesday's presidential debate, giving President Obama the edge and implying that the ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Seacrest to Michelle Obama: Does President 'Look to You for Encouragement' During Debates?

In a fawning softball interview with First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday's NBC Today, special correspondent Ryan Seacrest was eager to know how she helps the President during debates: "What did ...
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