
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 1997

Today, the worst bias of 1997: Fawning over Bill Clinton as a candidate for Mt. Rushmore; impugning conservative Senator Jesse Helms as a “terrorist;” and a classic New York Times headline: ...

Ominous Liberal Signs from the New York Times' New Public Editor Margaret Sullivan

Will the New York Times' new Public Editor spend her term criticizing the paper from the left? Less than a week after starting, Margaret Sullivan has already hailed the political wisdom of ...
Media Research Center

CNN Panelists Admit Media 'Nostalgia' for Clinton, Past 'Love Affair' With Obama

The media have "nostalgia" for Bill Clinton and a "tedious marriage" with President Obama, according to panel members on Sunday's Reliable Sources. CNN's Howard Kurtz mused that "the ...
Media Research Center

NBC Already Rooting for Hillary in 2016: 'She Would Clear the Field'

Eager to get a jump-start on biased coverage of the next presidential race, on Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Andrea Mitchell salivated over a possible Hillary Clinton run: "Well, the ...
Media Research Center

CBS Plays Softball With Durbin on ObamaCare, Chicago Teachers Strike

On Monday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell let Illinois Senator Dick Durbin forward the Democratic Party's talking points against Mitt Romney on ObamaCare by tossing him ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory: Romney Knows He'll Have to 'Infuriate Conservatives' if Elected President

Responding to co-host Savannah Guthrie observing that Mitt Romney looked like he "was moving toward the center" on Monday's NBC Today, Meet the Press host David Gregory asserted: "...he knows ...
Media Research Center

As Teachers Strike in Rahm Emanuel's Chicago, Only CBS Mentions They Make $71,000 a Year

All three morning shows on Monday covered the massive teachers strike in Rahm Emanuel's Chicago that left 350,000 students in the lurch. However, only CBS This Morning explained that the ...
Media Research Center

NBC Declares Obama Having 'Bounce in His Campaign Step' And Romney Falling Behind

At the top of Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer eagerly touted an Obama campaign photo-op: "One pizza shop owner in Florida got a little excited when he met President Obama, gave him a ...
Media Research Center

The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of 1996

The worst bias of 1996: Implicating Republicans in the burning of black churches; seeking prayers for children in the wake of welfare reform; and admiration for the environmental terrorist ...
Media Research Center

Gregory Pushes Romney to ‘Cut a Deal with Democrats that Would Cause Conservatives to Revolt’

David Gregory teased Sunday's Meet the Press by highlighting a clip of himself pushing Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to upset conservatives in getting a budget deal, ...
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