Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
The CyberAlert e-mail, with more than 175,000 subscribers, delivers a compilation each weekday of the newest posts. Sign up here.
Today, the worst bias of 1995, when Time
magazine blamed the Oklahoma City bombing on “hot talk on the radio”
even as NPR’s Nina Totenberg wished one of Jesse Helms’ grandchildren
would get ...
“Writers have been bowing to the ‘fact checkers’ as submissively as Barack Obama upon meeting some anti-American dictator,” the Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto quipped in a devastating ...
The worst bias of 1994. Highlights include ABC’s Peter Jennings calling voters “two-year-olds” for electing a
Republican Congress (“the voters had a temper tantrum last week”), and a
USA Today ...
Appearing as regular panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, as he recounted former President Bill Clinton's speech at the Democratic National Convention, liberal Washington Post ...
For Obama speech analysis, CBS This Morning on Friday brought on New Yorker editor David Remnick (who also worked for ten years as an "objective" reporter at The Washington Post).
Remnick said ...
The Democratic Convention produced a "home run derby of speeches,"
insisted CNN's John King early Friday morning on Piers Morgan Tonight.
This came after CNN hailed Michelle Obama's DNC ...
Earlier this week, the GAO said the Obama administration evaded the law by waiving welfare requirements, but CNN failed to mention the report. Neither CBS nor ABC reported it as well. According to ...
Comparing the RNC and DNC conventions on Friday's NBC Today, MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough declared a knockout for Democrats:
"...if we're going pound for pound, round for round, this ...
Even the journalists on the liberal NBC, CBS and ABC morning shows had a
hard time spinning Barack Obama's acceptance speech to the Democratic
National Convention. On Friday's Today show, ...
Among our 1993 bias highlights: the Washington Post smears Christian conservatives
as "poor, uneducated and easy to command," Dan Rather fawns over Bill
and Hillary Clinton, and Helen Thomas ...