Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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New Jersey Governor Chris Christie slapped down notions that his
Tuesday RNC speech was a selfish play for a future presidential run, as
CNN's Piers Morgan said he talked about himself much ...
When CNN's Piers Morgan brought up the Todd Akin controversy in his
interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Bachmann lashed back
that "you're reading directly off the Obama talking ...
CNN's Piers Morgan cast Paul Ryan's pro-life record on the
"extreme" end of the GOP and brought up Todd Akin to emphasize the
party's gender gap, but his Republican guest would have none of ...
How has George Stephanopoulos spent his week? The former top aide to
Bill Clinton pushed Democratic talking points on all his guests at the
Republican National Convention, continuing the ...
In an interview with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush on Thursday's NBC Today,
co-host Matt Lauer used attack lines from deputy Obama campaign manager
Stephanie Cutter to question the honesty ...
Instead of airing Latina Governor Susana Martinez's speech at the
Republican National Convention, ABC chose to host liberal Univision
anchor Jorge Ramos who had dire words for the Republican ...
ABC's analysis of Paul Ryan's RNC address included former Democratic
operative George Stephanopoulos citing an a-mail from a "top Democrat"
slamming the integrity of Paul Ryan's speech. ...
Minutes after Paul Ryan finished his RNC speech on Wednesday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews slammed the Republican vice presidential candidate for supposedly ignoring blacks during his "very constricted, ...
On NBC’s live Wednesday coverage of the GOP convention both Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw used Condoleezza Rice’s speech to paint the GOP delegation as close-minded on immigration, education ...
NBC anchor Brian Williams reprimanded Ann Romney for saying “I believe
in my heart that Mitt is going to save America,” suggesting it would
have been incendiary if Michelle Obama had made ...