Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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ABC’s George Stephanopoulos opened his Sunday show: “Good morning and welcome to This Week. Storms brewing. The GOP convention threatened by Tropical Storm Isaac and that political hurricane from ...
Last week when President Barack Obama raised the old tale of how Mitt Romney once put his dog in a car top carrier, the NBC Nightly News gave a sentence to how Obama “took a dig at Romney” and ...
Opening an hour-long special on the Mormon Church for Thursday's NBC Rock Center,
anchor Brian Williams proclaimed to viewers: "Most Americans say they
know next to nothing about the Mormon ...
Instead of informing the public about Mitt Romney's energy plan unveiled on Thursday, CNN harped on a "distraction" in the form of Bain Capital documents released by the website Gawker. Even an ...
CNN shot down Mitt Romney's claim that President Obama "gutted" welfare
reform, despite experts who helped construct the actual 1996 law
insisting that Obama did indeed strike at its heart ...
The media obsession with a gaffe by Congressman Todd Akin continued on
Wednesday and Thursday morning. The ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts
and morning shows offered five additional ...
Eager to keep the Todd Akin controversy alive on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams declared the Missouri Republican's comments were "inflicting unforeseen and great damage on the ...
On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams brought on
political director Chuck Todd to give a "damage assessment" for
Republicans in the wake of the Todd Akin controversy. Todd ...
In a Tuesday interview with comedian Jeff Foxworthy, CNN's Piers Morgan
presented the half-baked idea of treating the Bible as "evolutionary"
and asked if being Christian "has become almost a ...
In the wake of the Todd Akin controversy, CNN has not only tied the
negative fallout to the Romney campaign and the Republican Party, but
has also turned a critical eye to the party's "very far ...