
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

NBC Gives Platform to Kevin Spacey Smearing Romney as 'Murderous Politician'

In an interview with actor Kevin Spacey on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer quoted the liberal star's description of his new role in a political drama, playing "a wily murderous ...
Media Research Center

Nets Sing Praises of 'Brilliant' and 'Witty' Gore Vidal; Omit His Left Wing Ideology

The Big Three networks enthusiastically paid tribute to leftist author Gore Vidal on their Wednesday morning newscasts, but not one mentioned his political ideology. NBC's Today devoted two briefs ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Romney Overseas Trip Ended with 'Controversy, Hurt Feelings, Raw Tempers'

On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams smugly dismissed Mitt Romney's overseas trip as having, "ended today almost the way it started here in London, with controversy, some hurt ...
Media Research Center

NBC Highlights Retiring GOP Moderate Who Laments Lack of 'Compromise'

On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams read a short item noting the decision of Ohio Republican Congressman Steve LaTourette to retire from the House of Representatives this year, ...
Media Research Center

CNN Absurdly Claims Romney Aide's Outburst Was 'Sort of' 'Unprovoked'

CNN excused reporters for shouting questions that could have passed for heckling outside a sacred site in Poland, but ripped a Mitt Romney aide who responded by cursing at them. On Thursday ...
Media Research Center

NBC Stokes British Class Warfare: 'Economic Inequality' Sparked London Riots

On Monday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Stephanie Gosk promoted the Occupy-Wall-Street-stye rhetoric of left-wing British Member of Parliament Oona King: "King believes economic inequality was ...
Media Research Center

Irony Alert: GOP-Bashing D.L. Hughley Likens Joe Wilson, House Republicans to Bullies

On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, liberal comedian D.L. Hughley claimed that Republicans acted as bullies when they impeached former President Bill Clinton in 1998, as well as Rep. Joe Wilson when he ...
Media Research Center

ABC Fumes Over Mitt Romney Aide 'Getting Nasty With the Press' During 'Gaffe'-Filled Trip

Good Morning America's hosts and reporters on Tuesday eagerly pushed Democratic talking points about Mitt Romney's overseas trip, deriding it five times as either a "misstep" or a "gaffe." ...
Media Research Center

Romney Aide Admonishes Rude Reporters, NBC Treats it as a Gaffe

On Tuesday's NBC Today, campaign correspondent Peter Alexander attempted to spin bad behavior by reporters covering Mitt Romney's trip to Poland as a new controversy for the presidential ...
Media Research Center

Nets Manufacture ‘Another Dustup/Misstep/Controversy’ for Romney on Taxes and in Palestinian Criticism

Journalists are quite eager to undermine Mitt Romney’s trip. “A new diplomatic dust-up,” CBS anchor Scott Pelley teased Monday night, citing how “Mitt Romney in the Middle East says culture ...
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