Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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Journalist Howard Fineman, who previously slammed Rush Limbaugh as a
"werewolf," who knocked Rick Perry and Sarah Palin as stupid, who
smeared Tea Partiers as "secessionists," touted his ...
New York Times reporter Amy Chozick on Barack Obama, media critic in chief: "But in his informal role as news media critic in chief, he
developed a detailed critique of modern news coverage that ...
In just a matter of days, presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney will
announce his choice for his 2012 running mate. No matter who Romney
picks, however, the liberal media's line of attack is ...
All three evening newscasts on Tuesday and the morning shows on
Wednesday skipped a new Super PAC ad (run by former Obama
spokesman Bill Burton) that blames Mitt Romney for a woman's death ...
It took NBC News nearly a week to mention Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid's sleazy and unfounded charge that Mitt Romney failed to pay taxes,
with chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd ...
Despite admitting no direct evidence of Islamophobia behind the recent
Wisconsin Sikh shooting, CNN's Carol Costello still tried to connect
Islamophobia to the shooting and hype it as a ...
ABC journalist Brian Ross, who on July 20 smeared the Tea Party as connected to a mass killing in
Colorado, on Tuesday described the racist views of another shooter and
his connection to Nazi, ...
Introducing a report on the ongoing civil war in Syria on Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams made sure to promote PR from the White House: "...the
State Department and the Pentagon ...
On Monday's The Ed Show, host Ed Schultz suggested that the weekend attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin proves conservative commentator Michelle Malkin was wrong in 2009 when she criticized a ...
On Sunday's World News, ABC's senior Washington editor, Rick Klein, found it to be a "wildly unsubstantiated" and "irresponsible" claim for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to accuse Mitt Romney ...