
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

ABC Wraps Ryan in "Conservative" Tags; No "Liberal" Label for Biden in 2008

Breaking the news that Mitt Romney has chosen Paul Ryan as his running mate, ABC’s Good Morning America on Saturday employed no fewer than seven “conservative” labels to label Ryan and his ...
Media Research Center

Politico's Simon Sees Racist 'Dog Whistle' in Anti-Obama Welfare Ad

Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, Politico's Roger Simon claimed to see racism in a campaign ad against President Obama which criticizes the President for granting ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Campaign Documentary to Be Hosted by Objective, Balanced...Chris Matthews?

MSNBC will be producing campaign documentaries on Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Romney's special will be hosted by Republican skeptic Chuck Todd. Obama's doc will be in the hands of liberal ...
Media Research Center

Media Use Phony Contraception Mandate 'Compromise' to Dismiss Obama War on Religion

On Thursday, several media reports used Obama campaign talking points to downplay a new Romney campaign ad that accused the President of a "war on religion" following the ObamaCare ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Soiled' Komen Foundation Trying to 'Restore Faith' After Planned Parenthood 'Controversy'

On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams eagerly touted ongoing trouble for the nation's largest breast cancer charity: "...the controversy involving the Susan G. Komen Foundation ...
Media Research Center

CBS Downplays Obama Super PAC Cancer Death Ad As Part of 'Nasty' Blitz from Both Sides

Three days after CNN slammed the dishonest ad from the pro-Obama Priorities USA super PAC that blames Mitt Romney for a woman's cancer death, Friday's CBS This Morning finally got around to ...
Media Research Center

Haughty ABC Pretends It's Been Covering Romney-Killed-My-Wife' Ad All Week, Denounces Both Sides

ABC on Thursday night finally broke the network's silence about a dishonest Obama super PAC ad that, essentially, accuses Mitt Romney of killing a woman. On Friday, Good Morning America's hosts ...
Media Research Center

Bill O'Reilly Predicts Liberal Media Will Give Obama 'About 3% or 4%' in November

At the top of Tuesday's O'Reilly Factor on Fox News, host Bill O'Reilly rightly observed "the American media overwhelmingly favoring Barack Obama over Mitt Romney" and predicted that the slanted ...
Media Research Center

NBC Still Ingores Romney-Killed-My-Wife Ad, But Finds Time for Obama's Socks

Still working hard to avoid mentioning an outrageous Obama super-PAC ad that basically accused Mitt Romney of being responsible for the cancer death of a woman, Thursday's NBC Nightly News had ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Alter: 'A Lot of People Will Die' If Romney Is Elected

Appearing as a guest on Thursday's The Ed Show, MSNBC political analyst Jonathan Alter - formerly of Newsweek - advised the Obama campaign to argue that, if Mitt Romney is elected President, "a ...
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