
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CBS Confronts Rick Scott: If ObamaCare 'Is Not the Right Way to Do Things, What Is?'

CBS This Morning went after Governor Rick Scott (R-Fla.) on Thursday, throwing an Orlando Sentinel op-ed and a PolitiFact report at him and challenging him to answer just why ObamaCare wasn't ...
Media Research Center

CNN Cheers Liberal Nuns Protesting the Ryan Budget, Hosts No One from Ryan's Side

Over the span of about three weeks, CNN followed a group of liberal nuns on their bus tour protesting the Ryan budget, interviewing one of the leading nuns three times. In contrast, Congressman ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes Obama's Bain Attacks: Romney 'Can't Escape' Ads that Are 'Breaking Through'

ABC's World News on Sunday hyped Barack Obama's attack ads against Mitt Romney's past work for Bain Capital. Anchor David Muir even played a clip of one of the President's ads.  ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hyped Bill Clinton's Work to 'Save a Continent,' But Skipped George W. Bush in Africa

When Bill Clinton went to Africa in 2007 to fight AIDS, ABC hyped his important work "to save a continent." Diane Sawyer interviewed the ex-President and Kate Snow followed him to Africa. ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Morgan Presses Bachmann from Left on ObamaCare

On Monday's Piers Morgan Tonight, as host Morgan debated guest Rep. Michele Bachmann on ObamaCare, after the Minnesota Republican explained that a government requirement to purchase health ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchor Tells Bill Nye He's Losing to Conservatives 'Politicizing' the Climate

CNN's Carol Costello told guest Bill Nye "The Science Guy" on Monday that climate change skeptics are "politicizing this issue" and "winning." Of course, the two did not admit to the ...
Media Research Center

CBS's O'Donnell Lets Schumer Defend ObamaCare, Challenges Coburn's Criticism

On Sunday's Face the Nation, fill-in host Norah O'Donnell simply let Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) air his Democratic talking points on ObamaCare while she challenged Republican Senator Tom ...
Media Research Center

CBS's O'Donnell Repeatedly Presses Boehner to Implement ObamaCare Benefits, Frets About Loss of 'Protections'

CBS's Norah O'Donnell kept safeguarding provisions of ObamaCare on Sunday's Face the Nation, daring Speaker John Boehner to oppose "protections for individuals" in the bill. O'Donnell ...
Media Research Center

Time's Halperin Shills: 'We Shouldn't Be the Only' Country Without Govt. Run Health Care

Mark Halperin, editor-at-large and senior political analyst for Time magazine, on Monday dropped any pretense of objectivity, openly shilling for ObamaCare. The Game Change co-author appeared on ...
Media Research Center

Really? NY Times Movie Critic Blames 'Reagan Years' for Decline of American Movies

New York Times movie critics Manohla Dargis and A.O. Scott held their annual joyless, political summer movie conversation, focusing on the glut of superhero movies. Dargis managed to make ...
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