
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

ABC's Moran Hypes Dem Talking Points on ObamaCare: Women Would Have Suffered Most

Good Morning America's Terry Moran on Thursday hyped Democratic talking points, parroting fears that if ObamaCare was struck down, women would suffer more. Moran ran through the President's ...
Media Research Center

Matthews Slimes: John Roberts Doesn't Want to Be Like Slave Judge Behind Dred Scott

According to liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts being the fifth vote to strike down Obamacare would make him the "second Roger Taney," the ...
Media Research Center

Is This a Commercial? CNN Uses Characters to Tug Hearts on ObamaCare Being Overturned

President Obama created a fictional woman "Julia" to help argue how his policies would support a person's well-being over her lifetime. And CNN pulled the same propaganda tactic on ...
Media Research Center

NBC Fawns Over Obamas' First Date, Mocks Romney As Being Like Britney Spears

In a particularly petty attempt to pump up President Obama and denigrate Mitt Romney, Tuesday's NBC Today brought on left-wing MSNBC host Alex Wagner for a supposed pop culture segment that ...
Media Research Center

NBC’s Todd Avoids Obama’s ‘Incompetence,’ Falsely Touts Health Care as Obama’s ‘Strongest Positive’

Some creative spin in favor of President Barack Obama from Chuck Todd on Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News. Recounting the results of a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll which puts Obama ahead of ...
Media Research Center

CNN Cites Fictional Book 'The Da Vinci Code' In Report on the Catholic Church

While covering the story of Fox News reporter Greg Burke moving to the Vatican's own communications team, CNN mentioned his membership in Opus Dei and referenced the organization's (quite ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Foams: Voter ID Law Is a GOP Plot to 'Kill Off the Older Voters'

Chris Matthews on Tuesday smeared Pennsylvania Republicans as attempting to "kill off the older voters" by enacting a new voter ID law in the state. The liberal Hardball host offered this ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Gupta -- Once Obama's Candidate for Surgeon General -- Warns of Rising Health Care Costs If Mandate Is Overturned

CNN's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, was once a serious candidate to be President Obama's surgeon general – and thus a megaphone for ObamaCare – before he turned down the ...
Media Research Center

Ignorance, GOP Falsehoods on Obama-Care Doomed the Measure, NYTimes Reporters Claim

If only the GOP would stop lying about ObamaCare. Jodi Kantor took a sympathetic and defensive view of ObamaCare that suggested the measure had suffered because of Republican deception and a ...
Media Research Center

NBC Cites Illegal Immigrant Activist to Label Court Ruling 'Threatening'

Fretting over the Supreme Court upholding a portion of Arizona's immigration law, on Monday's NBC Nightly News correspondent Mike Taibbi declared: "[Leticia Ramirez] and her husband have been in ...
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