
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CNN Hypes 'Groundbreaking' Trans-gender TV Series on Amazon

Samuel Burke touted Amazon's new streaming TV series Transparent on Monday's CNN Newsroom as "groundbreaking," and underlined that it's "tackling a topic that TV has rarely touched." The main ...
Media Research Center

Joe Biden Watch: Only CBS Covers the Veep's Latest Gaffe

Joe Biden committed a string of gaffes over the last several days, but they have gone largely unchallenged by disinterested networks. Over the weekend, the Vice President was forced to apologize ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd: GOP Doesn't Like Regulation Unless It's On Abortion Clinics

While interrogating Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, host Chuck Todd spat out a nasty attack line against the GOP regarding a new Texas law ...
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Condemns 'Moral Cowardice' of Media Not Being Anti-Gun Enough

Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, ex-CNN host Piers Morgan kept up the anti-gun crusade that caused his ratings to plummet, denouncing his colleagues in the press: "I wish more American media ...
Media Research Center

CBS Defends Ben Affleck Following Battle With Bill Maher Over Radical Islam

On Friday night, Ben Affleck appeared on HBO's Real Time w/ Bill Maher and participated in a heated debate with fellow liberal Bill Maher over radical Islam’s influence on the Muslim world. ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Interviews Democratic Senator Despite Wife’s Former Support

Talk about a conflict of interest. Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd sat down with former Senator Jim Webb (D-V.A.) for an interview Sunday morning and set up the discussion by declaring how his ...
Media Research Center

Van Jones on ABC: Democrats Should Use Ebola As Campaign Talking Point Against GOP

It appears as though former Obama official Van Jones has taken Rahm Emmanuel’s belief that you never “want a good crisis go to waste” to heart during a Sunday appearance on ABC’s This Week w/ ...
Media Research Center

CBS Highlights Muslim Immigrants Fueling Anti-Semitism In Germany

Once again, CBS has proved that it is the lone “big three” network that attempts to be a real news network. Friday’s CBS Evening News w/ Scott Pelley actually reported on the rise of ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Points Finger at NRA for 'Making the Ebola Crisis Worse'

MSNBC anchor Krystal Ball and NBC correspondent Anne Thompson shamelessly politicized the Ebola crisis in a Thursday op-ed on Ball and Thompson bewailed how due to "Senate dysfunction ...
Media Research Center

CNN’s Cuomo on Biden After Latest Gaffe: ‘I Still Love Biden for What He Is...His Candor Is Refreshing’

At the conclusion of the 6:30 a.m. news briefing during Friday’s New Day on CNN, substitute news reader John Berman played video of Vice President Joe Biden jokingly asking Harvard University’s ...
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