
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Sgt. Tahmooressi’s Holding In Mexico Is a ‘Cause Célèbre In the Conservative Media’

After the major broadcast networks offered no coverage of jailed Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi’s mother testifying before Congress on Wednesday, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes concluded his primetime ...
Media Research Center

Networks Gloss Over Clapper Memo Defending Intel Agencies on ISIS Despite Obama Criticisms

On Wednesday night, the major broadcast networks failed to report on news that an internal memo was sent to members of the intelligence community by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post Admits Democrats 'Near Panic,' But Downplayed Midterm Struggles

The Washington Post on Wednesday highlighted Democratic campaign e-mails for the 2014 midterms, admitting that liberal politicians are sending out "frantic" warnings about potential losses in the ...
Media Research Center

Charlie Rose to Bill Clinton: You are the 'Best Political Animal That's Ever Been'

Charlie Rose’s interview with Bill Clinton at his own Clinton Global Initiative summit was, not surprisingly, full of easy questions but the PBS host saved his loftiest softball for the end ...
Media Research Center

CBS Hosts Hail California's Ban On Plastic Bags As 'Great Idea'

In a report for Tuesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent John Blackstone touted California passing a law to ban plastic bags from grocery stores as "a victory for those who've declared the ...
Media Research Center

‘Big Three’ Ignore Jailed Marine’s Mother Testifying Before Congress

Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi has been jailed in a Mexican prison for the past nine months for accidentally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border with several firearms. Since his arrest, the “big three” ...
Media Research Center

CBS Hits Gov. Christie Over ‘Bridgegate,’ Allows Obama To Blame Intelligence Community for Growth of ISIS

Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) sat down with Gayle King for an interview that aired on Wednesday’s CBS This Morning and was met with a barrage of questions over his handling of the “Bridgegate” ...
Media Research Center

NBC Runs 4 Minute Puff Piece on Ben Affleck; Refuses to Cover Upcoming Midterm, Protests in Hong Kong

On Tuesday night, NBC Nightly News concluded its program by pushing an over four-minute-long fawning segment on Hollywood actor and activist Ben Affleck that included banter between anchor Brian ...
Media Research Center

Over 300,000 Face Deadline to Prove Eligibility for ObamaCare Subsidies; Nets Omit

Tuesday marked the deadline for hundreds of thousands Americans with insurance through ObamaCare to provide proper verification of their income levels or risk losing their government subsidies ...
Media Research Center

2014 Midterms: CBS Sees 'Very Conservative,' 'Far Right' Problem in Kansas

Polls and prognosticators suggest a Republican takeover of the Senate in the 2014 midterm elections. Yet, the networks continue to offer scant coverage of the various races. The CBS Evening News ...
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