
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Bloomberg’s Jeanne Cummings Claims GOP Wants To Take Away Birth Control

Appearing on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Thursday afternoon, Jeanne Cummings, Deputy Managing Editor for Bloomberg News, decided to attack the GOP over their supposed problem with ...
Media Research Center

As Diane Sawyer Signs-Off, a Look Back at Her Fawning Chats With Repressive Dictators

World News anchor and long-time ABC journalist Diane Sawyer signed off for the last time on Wednesday night. The host's final show included a music montage as she offered a behind the scenes look ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd: Women Reject GOP 'Crazy White Guys' With 'Crazy Theories' About Contraception

In an interview with Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus on MSNBC's The Daily Rundown on Thursday, host and incoming Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd proposed a cause for the ...
Media Research Center

CBS Promotes Dem. Senator on Receiving End of ‘Sexist Comments’ from Male Colleagues

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) is out with a new book in which she claims several of her male colleagues made comments about her weight following the birth of her second child. CBS This ...
Media Research Center

Matthews on Arizona Gun Range Tragedy: ‘This Is Where You Get When You Go All the Way With Gun Rights’

Chris Matthews devoted a segment during his MSNBC show Hardball on Wednesday evening to the tragic shooting death of a firearms instructor at a Arizona gun range after a nine-year-old girl ...
Media Research Center

Networks Fret Over Burger King 'Defecting' to Canada to Pay Lower Taxes

As news broke on Tuesday of Burger King buying Tim Hortons and moving its corporate headquarters to Canada, the broadcast networks quickly adopted the liberal talking point that the fast food ...
Media Research Center

Sharyl Attkisson Schools ABC, CBS, NBC on How to Cover the IRS Scandal

Unlike her colleagues at the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks, investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, on Tuesday night, actually dug into the finer points of the big bombshells revealed in the ...
Media Research Center

ABC and NBC Ignore Possible Obstruction of Justice in Growing VA Scandal

Wednesday's morning shows on ABC and NBC ignored the latest details of the growing scandal engulfing the Veterans Affairs department. Only CBS bothered to report on the story, allowing a scant 20 ...
Media Research Center

CBS Hits Warren Buffett from Left Over Burger King Deal: ‘Capitalist Before He’s A Patriot’

Ever since fast food chain Burger King announced its desire to purchase Canadian coffee and doughnut chain Tim Hortons, CBS has done its best to play up the supposed backlash the company ...
Media Research Center

O'Reilly: Al Sharpton 'Almost Single-Handedly Has Corrupted NBC News'

On his show Monday night, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly declared that MSNBC host and Ferguson, Missouri activist Al Sharpton "has become so controversial in America that it's hard to explain how ...
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