
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CBS’s Duthiers on Missouri State Law on Police Use of Force: ‘Sounds Like Cops Are Protected No Matter What’

Reporting on the latest in Ferguson, Missouri for Tuesday night’s CBS Evening News, CBS News correspondent Vladimir Duthiers interviewed a St. Louis detective on what Missouri state law states ...
Media Research Center

NBC Touts Obama’s Promise to Fix the VA and IG Report Despite Concerns from Whistle-Blower

On Tuesday evening, NBC Nightly News offered a soft news brief on the scandal-ridden Veterans Affairs (VA) Administration by promoting President Barack Obama’s calls that the VA’s many issues will ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Plots Strategy With Dems on How to Use Ferguson Unrest for Midterms

It's not surprising that MSNBC's Chris Matthews would frame the racial unrest in Ferguson through a political lens. The liberal host on Monday brought on two prominent Democrats to plot strategy ...
Media Research Center

Blackberry Blackout: Nets Refuse to Report IRS Destroyed Lerner's Phone After Probe Began

On the heels of a Department of Justice lawyer admitting to Judicial Watch that Lois Lerner’s e-mails do exist comes another stunning revelation. On Monday evening the New York Observer ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd 'Going to Bring Back Heart, Good Taste, Fairness' to 'Meet the Press'

Appearing at the end of MSNBC's The Daily Rundown on Tuesday, NBC News NASA correspondent Jay Barbree wished host Chuck Todd good luck in becoming moderator of Meet the Press, hailing the ...
Media Research Center

CBS Plays Up Backlash Against Burger King’s Move to Canada: ‘Some In Washington Are Fuming’

For the second day in a row, CBS did its best to hype opposition to fast food chain Burger King after it announced plans to purchase Canadian coffee and doughnut chain Tim Hortons and ...
Media Research Center

Networks Dodge Huge IRS Scandal News as DOJ Attorney Says Lost Lerner E-Mails Do Exist

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton appeared on the Fox News Channel (FNC) Monday afternoon and informed viewers that a Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney admitted to his organization on Friday ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Michael Eric Dyson Starts a Sentence This Way: 'I Ain't Saying That Obama Is Jesus, But...'

MSNBC contributor Michael Eric Dyson is no stranger to effusive, over-the-top lobbying for Barack Obama. But on Saturday he went so far that even fellow liberal Melissa Harris Perry couldn't ...
Media Research Center

IRS Scandal Bombshell: DOJ Attorney Admits Lois Lerner Emails Exist! Will Nets Report?

The latest bombshell in the IRS scandal has landed. On Monday, Judicial Watch’s president Tom Fitton told FNC’s Shannon Bream that a Justice Department attorney told them the missing Lois ...
Media Research Center

Left-Wing Missouri State Senator Praises MSNBC's Coverage of Ferguson

In a testament to how slanted MSNBC's coverage of the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri has been, Democratic state senator and left-wing bomb-thrower Maria Chappelle-Nadal praised the channel's ...
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