
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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ABC's Stephanopoulos Tries to Spin Reid Comparison on GOP and Slavery: It Will 'Blow Over'

ABC's George Stephanopoulos appeared on Tuesday's Good Morning America to spin and minimize Senator Harry Reid's contention that opponents of health care reform are similar to supporters of ...

CNN Extensively Covers Viewpoint of Climate Change Skeptics

CNN made a real, day-long effort on Monday to address the climate-change debate as a debate, giving skeptics of manmade climate change a series of chances to match the leftist view, especially ...

On Today: Climategate Already Forgotten but U.S. is 'Blamed' for Global Warming

On Tuesday's Today show, there was no mention of Climategate - apparently the one mention of it on yesterday's show was enough for them '- but NBC's Ann Curry did pass along more global warming ...

CBS's Smith: Harry Reid 'Very Soberly' Compared GOP to Slavery Supporters

While interviewing Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith referred to recent comments by Senator Harry Reid: "[He] said Republicans are on the ...

New Panic Hook: 'Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity'

Prepare for more panic talk about the end of the world as Dr. James Hansen, a leading global warming alarmist whose temperature data has come under question, launches a media tour for his new book ...

Nets Panic: Clock at Zero in 'Life and Death' Effort to Avoid 'Global Catastrophe'

"Facing a clock some say has ticked down to zero, today 192 nations came together to take on a potential global catastrophe," a dire ABC reporter Bob Woodruff ominously intoned from Copenhagen on ...

Matthews Mocks Palin, Her Supporters and Even the Reporters Covering Her

Chris Matthews mocked Sarah Palin, her supporters and even some in the press who covered her as he went on one diatribe after another on Monday's Hardball. Matthews insulted Palin and her ...

MSNBC: ClimateGate 'A Controversy That's Not Really There'

Near the end of the 2PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer discussed the ClimateGate scandal only to claim there was no scandal in the emails that seemed to show climate scientists ...

NBC's Vieira: Former POW Lynch a 'Pawn' Used to 'Sell' a War 'Hard Up' for 'Appealing Heroes'

As part of an ongoing series called Today's Buzziest Stories of the Decade, NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Monday's Today, featured a segment with former Iraq war POW Jessica Lynch, and with it brought ...

CBS Host Grills GOP Senator On ObamaCare Opposition; Softballs to Democrat

On Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez pressed Republican Senator Lamar Alexander on the GOP's opposition to ObamaCare: "...there's been a lot of criticism that Republicans have done ...
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