Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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Even though all three of Wednesday's broadcast network evening newscasts reported on President Obama's decision to attend the climate change summit in Copenhagen, they also continued to ignore ...
Actress Morena Baccarin, who plays "Anna," the leader of the malevolent aliens on ABC's sci-fi 'V' series, told USA Today that "I would love to meet Obama" since he's "charming" and a "smart, ...
Speaking with Brookings Institution analyst Michael O'Hanlon on Tuesday about President Obama's upcoming decision to increase troop levels in Afghanistan, CBS Early Show co-host Harry Smith ...
So far, the broadcast networks haven't uttered a single word about revelations showing scientists on the left-wing side of the global warming debate plotting to hide data and silence those on the ...
Monday's NBC Nightly News took up the story of liberal Rep. Patrick Kennedy's public feud with the Catholic Church, and NBC's Ron Allen implied something improper in how "the Catholic Church is ...
Long after conservatives and the American people figured it out, CBS on Monday night came to the realization President Barack Obama has a "credibility" problem fueled by the "disconnect" between ...
On Monday's Situation Room, Suzanne Malveaux became the latest CNN personality to use the offensive "teabagger" label to describe opponents of ObamaCare: "Do we expect to see the kinds of big ...
At the end of CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, host Bob Schieffer fretted over massive government spending but avoided blaming current Democratic proposals: "I'm not even talking about the cost of ...
NY Times environmental reporter Andrew Revkin on the trove of damning emails swiped from climate scientists: "The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private ...
Good Morning America's Bill Weir on Sunday defended the $300 million in pork that Senator Mary Landrieu acquired for her state, spinning, "The people of Louisiana sent her to Washington to get as ...