
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Palin Regrets - 'Dang It' - Journalists Didn't Get 'Fish-Slimed,' NBC's Mitchell Reports

Looking at Sarah Palin's new book, NBC's Andrea Mitchell caught a passage about herself in which Palin recalled that when she invited some reporters to go fishing with her that "I wanted to see ...

David Brooks Derides Palin as a 'Joke' and 'Talk Show Host'; Only Ifill Sees Her Appeal

The roundtable members on Sunday's This Week derided or dismissed Sarah Palin, with David Brooks, the putative conservative columnist for the New York Times, declaring "she's a joke" and ...

No Party ID on ABC for Imprisoned Jefferson; CBS Skips Sentencing

Former Congressman William Jefferson, the New Orleans Democrat, was sentenced Friday to 13 years in prison, yet the CBS Evening News didn't utter a word about it, just as that newscast ignored his ...

CBS's Smith: Is Ft. Hood Shooter 'Competent To Stand Trial?'

Speaking to the defense attorney for Ft. Hood shooter Major Nidal Hasan on Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked: "Do you think ' and this is not from a scientific or even legal ...

Report: Liberal Dem George Stephanopoulos Edging Out Liberal Dem Chris Cuomo for Anchor Slot

The Daily Beast on Friday reported that former Democratic aide turned journalist George Stephanopoulos has now pulled ahead of ex-Democratic Governor Mario Cuomo's son, Chris Cuomo, in the race to ...

MSNBC Uses Fake, 'Sexy' Photos of Sarah Palin on Air; Will Network Correct and Apologize? (Updated)

On Friday's edition of Morning Meeting, host Dylan Ratigan featured fake photos of Sarah Palin during a mocking segment on why Americans are fascinated with the former vice presidential candidate. ...

Time's Von Drehle: Obama's Ft. Hood Speech Ruined by Too Much TV Analysis

A liberal journalist is feeling Barack Obama's pain, that he would be instantly judged by the media. Wait, the Obama-mythologizing, pinch-me-history-is-happening media? Yes. Time Senior Writer ...

Ann Coulter Takes on Palin-Bashing Media on CBS Early Show

Appearing on Friday's CBS Early Show to discuss the release of Sarah Palin's book, 'Going Rogue,' author Ann Coulter told co-host Harry Smith: "[John] McCain...was the media's favorite Republican. ...

CBS: Obama 'So Thoroughly Researching Critical' Afghanistan Decision 'a Good Thing'

News that President Obama is demanding new Afghanistan options and answers, after months and eight meetings with top officials on General Stanley McChrystal's request for more troops, led ABC's ...

MSNBC's Nancy Snyderman Lobbies IRS: Go After Catholic Bishops for Opposing Abortion in Health Care Bill

MSNBC's Nancy Snyderman attacked Catholic bishops on Thursday for opposing abortion funding in the health care bill, agreeing with the President of NOW that the IRS should investigate them. The ...
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