
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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'Cringe' That Mass Killer a Muslim Since It 'Inflames' Right Wing, 'That Makes It Much Worse'

Newsweek's Evan Thomas regretted the Fort Hood mass murderer is a Muslim because of how that will be abused by conservatives: "I cringe that he's a Muslim. I mean, because it inflames all the ...

FNC Interviews Fmr Planned Parenthood Clinic Director Who Turned Pro-Life

On Saturday's Huckabee show on FNC, host Mike Huckabee interviewed the former director of the Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas, Abby Johnson, who became a pro-life activist after ...

Brokaw: Liberated East Germans 'Still Adjusting to Harsh Economic Realities' of Capitalism

Noting Monday's 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw claimed on Sunday's Today that East Germans were "still adjusting to the harsh economic ...

ABC Frets: Plight of Muslim Soldiers Toughest Since Japanese-Americans in WWII

ABC doubled the length of its evening newscast on Friday night and World News used its second half hour to suggest an exculpatory reason behind Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan's mass killing at Fort ...

NBC Analyst Unsure Ft. Hood Shooting Was Terrorism

Appearing on the Dr. Nancy program on MSNBC Friday, NBC News terrorism analyst Roger Cressy warned against labeling the mass shooting at Ft. Hood as terrorism, despite the apparent radical views ...

ABC's Diane Sawyer Repeats Concern of Wishing Muslim Shooter's 'Name was Smith'; All Three Networks ID Hasan's Faith

All three morning shows on Friday identified the man who killed 12 at an Army base in Texas as a Muslim. However, Good Morning America's Diane Sawyer repeated a concern from Thursday's World News: ...

'Noisy Rally' By 'a Few Thousand' Matched by 'Powerful' AARP and AMA Endorsements

The ABC, CBS and NBC newscasts Thursday night squeezed in full stories pegged to a "kill the bill" anti-Pelosi/ObamaCare rally outside the U.S. Capitol attended by "angry protesters" as all the ...

CBS and NBC Fail to ID Hasan as Muslim; ABC's Raddatz Relays: 'I Wish His Name was Smith'

Neither CBS nor NBC, in their East coast feeds Thursday night, noted the Muslim religious beliefs of the mass killer at the Fort Hood Army base in Texas, but ABC anchor Charles Gibson wasn't cowed ...

CBS's Smith: Edward R. Murrow 'Bold,' 'Gutsy'; Joe McCarthy A 'Bully'

Thursday's CBS Early Show looked back at 1954 as part of its 'Time Machine' series, with co-host Harry Smith praising former CBS anchor Edward R. Murrow for taking on Senator Joseph McCarthy: ...

'V' Sci-Fi Star Compares Journalist-Mouthpiece for Evil Aliens to Anderson Cooper

Scott Wolf, the star of a new show about evil aliens who use superficial journalists to take over the planet, appeared on Monday's Good Morning America and compared his "morally compromised" ...
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