Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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During a live midnight EST hour Larry King Live Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, CNN's Larry King repeatedly employed the "far right" pejorative to describe those who backed the unsuccessful New ...
Shortly before the polls closed, CBS's Bob Schieffer rejected any effort to tie President Barack Obama to two the Democratic gubernatorial candidates for whom Obama campaigned, insisting on ...
On Monday's AC360, CNN's Anderson Cooper forwarded the media's new talking point about the New York congressional race, that "tea Party protesters and other conservative voices are...driving ...
If you're a skeptic of climate change or want to educate your child at home Chris Matthews probably thinks you're an oddball. On Tuesday's Hardball, the MSNBC host egged on the former liberal ...
On Monday's AC360, CNN's Anderson Cooper forwarded the media's new talking point about the New York congressional race, that "tea Party protesters and other conservative voices are...driving ...
ABC's 'V' mini-series, which will debut tonight (Tuesday) in the first hour of prime time, is "nominally a rousing sci-fi space opera about alien invaders bent on the conquest (and digestion) of ...
"President Obama may not have delivered on all the policy changes he promised since his election a year ago, but he and his family have brought dramatic social change to the nation's capital and ...
While analyzing the off-year elections across the country on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer about the New York 23rd congressional race: ...
Good Morning America's Diane Sawyer conducted a surprisingly tough interview with Al Gore on Tuesday, pressing him on profiting from global warming and whether or not climate change legislation is ...
Earning a chuckle even from Al Gore himself for the over the top glorification, CBS's Katie Couric opened her "@katiecouric" CBSNews.com Web show interview with Al Gore by extolling: "I'm honored ...