
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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CBS's Schieffer Hails First Lady Frolic on White House Lawn

Showing that the media sees every act by the Obamas as an historic achievement, at the end of Sunday's Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer was amazed by the romping of First Lady Michelle Obama: ...

Kurtz Points Out: Two Democrats Vie for GMA Slot

In the midst of all the elite upset over FNC's supposedly over-the-top opposition to President Obama, Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz pointed out that the apparent two finalists to ...

CBS's Dickerson: Cheney A 'Boogie Man;' 'Gift' for White House

On Sunday's CBS Evening News, political analyst John Dickerson brushed aside criticism from former Vice President Dick Cheney that the Obama administration was "dithering" on Afghanistan: " ...

'Independent Newspaper' Wash Post Endorses Democrats in 22 of 26 VA Races

The Washington Post, which touts the motto "An independent newspaper," endorsed Democratic candidates in 22 of 26 races for the November 3 elections in Virginia. In addition to supporting the ...

Totenberg: Bush White House 'More Like the Mob' in Freezing Out Media Outlets

Discussing the Obama White House's quest to discredit FNC, NPR's Nina Totenberg recalled how, in contrast, the Bush White House "just cut people dead, it froze them out, you know it froze whole ...

CBS Takes Up White House Quest to 'De-Legitimize' Fox News, 'Irony' FNC Enabled Attack

"They report and the White House decides it's not fair. The President's feud with the Fox News Channel," Katie Couric teased at the top of Friday's CBS Evening News in the first broadcast network ...

On GMA, Ann Coulter Debates Two Former Clinton Aides, One of Whom Hosts the Show

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter debated no less than two former Clinton operatives on Friday's Good Morning America, guest host George Stephanopoulos and former State Department spokesman Jamie ...

Williams Attributes Drop in Warming Credence to 'People Less Sensitive to Environment'

NBC's Brian Williams noted a Pew poll found Americans who "believe there's solid evidence of global warming...has dropped off significantly." But instead of crediting people for recognizing ...

MSNBC Anchors Lash Out at Cheney; Wonder If He's of a 'Rational, Healthy Mind'

MSNBC anchors David Shuster and Tamron Hall on Thursday lashed out at a speech Dick Cheney gave that was critical of Barack Obama, speculating on whether the Vice President is of a "rational, ...

CBS's Smith: Why Not Limit Compensation In All Companies?

Discussing Obama administration efforts to limit executive pay in companies that took TARP funds, on Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked Congressional Oversight Panel Chair ...
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