
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Wash Post Lashes Out Against 'Militant,' 'Provocative,' 'Bizarre' Conservative Candidate

The Washington Post, which for months has been running a seemingly endless series of attack pieces on Virginia's Republican gubernatorial pick, appears to have moved on to the GOP's choice for ...

NBC Nightly News Champions Obama's Sensitivity to Women

Tied to NBC's promotion of Maria Shriver's "A Woman's Nation" report, Wednesday's NBC Nightly News showcased Savannah Guthrie's interview with President Barack Obama in which she trumpeted how he ...

CNN Again Cites Liberal Study on Talk Radio, Pushes Localism

CNN's Carol Costello again omitted the liberal source of a statistic she touted during a report on Wednesday's American Morning, that 91% of talk radio is apparently conservative. Costello also ...

MSNBC: Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, What's the Difference?

Showing that Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have become interchangeable, in the 2:00PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer mistakenly introduced Jackson as Sharpton: "Joining me now ...

Absurd Denial: Wash Post Claims 'Goal' of GOP Attack Pieces Wasn't to Help Dem Nominee

A Washington Post staff writer on Wednesday swore that it wasn't the "goal" of the newspaper to elect Virginia's Democratic candidate for governor, despite the paper's wave of attack coverage ...

NBC's Todd: 'Clean White Suit' Obama a Victim of High Expectations for His Goodness

ABC, CBS and NBC on Tuesday night all aired stories on President Barack Obama hobnobbing with the wealthy during a recession, at Manhattan fundraisers to be attended by the very Wall Street ...

MSNBC's David Shuster Blames Falling GOP ID on 'Town Hall Screamers'

At the top of the 4:00PM ET hour of MSNBC Live, co-anchor David Shuster claimed the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll "numbers appear to back up the concerns of mainstream Republicans worried ...

Chris Matthews Show Panel Agrees GOP 'Hurt' By Opposition to Obamacare

Well the verdict is in and it looks like the GOP has been severely damaged by its opposition to Obamacare, well at least that was the conclusion of all the liberal members of The Chris Matthews ...

ABC Uses Obama's '9-Month Anniversary' to Tout Popularity Over Republicans

ABC led Monday night with a poll timed to the nine-month mark of the Obama presidency - as if that's an important date, and spent as much time on record low affinity for Republicans. Charles ...

CNN Psychoanalyzes Talk Radio Listeners, Cites Left-Wing Study on Format

CNN's Carol Costello on American Morning brought on a psychiatrist to find out why conservatives dominate talk radio (they like bullies) and asserted that the industry "Talkers magazine" claimed ...
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