
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Obama a 'Figure of Hope' to World in Winning 'One of the Last Towering Honors on Earth'

ABC, CBS and NBC all led Friday night with the "surprise" pick of President Barack Obama for the Nobel Peace Prize and acknowledged the choice was meant as a slap at former President George W. ...

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter Slams Limbaugh as 'Mullah Rush'

Rush Limbaugh for attack, on Friday's MSNBC Live. While acknowledging that "everybody agrees it was premature" to award the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, Alter singled out the two groups ...

CNN's Lothian: Nobel Prize an 'A' for Effort, Could Help with Health Care

CNN's Dan Lothian, on Friday morning, saw nothing but pluses for President Obama's reception of the Nobel Peace Prize. Lothian guessed Obama "obviously is getting an 'A' for effort here," and even ...

MSNBC's Shuster Slams: Obama Nobel Speech Makes Limbaugh Look 'Un-American'

MSNBC's David Shuster on Friday slammed Rush Limbaugh as "un-American" and "extreme" for criticizing Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize win. The liberal co-host of News Live applauded the ...

CBS Wonders: Will Nobel Prize Become Obama's 'Poison Chalice'?

On Friday's CBS Early Show, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer wondered about negative political fallout from President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize win: "one European commentator who said 'will this ...

Even Before Nobel, CBS Awed By Obama - for Blocking Basketball Shot

Hours before the Nobel committee awarded its "Peace Prize" to Barack Obama, the CBS Evening News found another "achievement" to tout: A White House-released photo of Obama blocking a basketball ...

ABC's Charles Gibson: 'Humble' Obama Won Nobel Prize Because He 'Inspires'

Anchoring live coverage on Friday of Barack Obama's speech about receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, ABC's Charles Gibson enthused that the President won the award because he inspires. The World News ...

ABC's Sawyer Gushes: Obama Nobel Win Is 'the Olympic Gold of International Diplomacy'

Good Morning America co-host Diane Sawyer on Friday used an odd expression to fawn over Barack Obama's Nobel Prize win. She cooed that the award is "the Olympic gold of international diplomacy." ...

NBC's Lauer: Not to Be Rude, but Obama Hasn't Done Anything

Even Barack Obama's fan club on NBC's Today were stunned at the President's winning of the Nobel Peace Prize. Co-host Matt Lauer found it baffling: "We're less than a year into the first term of ...

Flustered CBS: Baucus' ObamaCare 'Would Reduce the Deficit,' Yet 'Republicans Still Oppose It'

The Senate Finance Committee's ObamaCare bill will spend $829 billion, but CBS Evening News Maggie Rodriquez trumpeted how "according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget ...
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