
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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CBS Skips Any Mention of Massive Deficit Numbers Under Obama

Wednesday's CBS Evening News With Katie Couric and Thursday's Early show completely ignored any mention of the fact that the deficit has risen to a staggering $1.4 trillion, triple what it was a ...

CBS Touts Baucus Health Care Bill 'Pays For Itself,' 'Saves Billions'

Following the talking points of the Democratic Party, at the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez declared a win for health care legislation being pushed by Montana Senator ...

Newsweek Seriously Asks: 'Was Russia Better Off Red?'

The October 12 issue of Newsweek asked: "Was Russia Better Off Red?" The "Back Story" page of the magazine featured a graphic comparing life under communism to now: "Since the collapse of the ...

Wash Post Tops Front Page With Protest of...176 People

Hard-left "anti-war" protesters topped the front of The Washington Post on Wednesday and drew most of an inside page. It wasn't until paragraph 25 that the Post admitted they only counted 176 ...

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer Slams GOP Comments on Pelosi as Sexist and Demeaning

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer on Wednesday angrily agreed with Democratic claims that the National Republican Congressional Committee made a sexist slam against Nancy Pelosi. Appearing on Morning ...

AP Excited 'Bold Colors' and 'Squiggly Lines Have Arrived' on White House Walls

"You can't see it, but there's a quiet cultural revolution under way at the White House," gushed the AP's Nancy Benac in the lead to her Tuesday night dispatch headlined: "Modern art hits 1600 Pa. ...

CBS: U.S. Turning Attention to Iraq from Afghanistan the 'Gravest Error of All'

For the second night, CBS devoted time in its "Afghanistan: The Road Ahead" series to stressing how the decision to go into Iraq undermined success in Afghanistan. Lara Logan: "What many here see ...

Paul Begala Returns to Bashing Rush Limbaugh With Drug Reference

Democratic strategist Paul Begala can be relied upon to use the "drug card" against Rush Limbaugh and he was true to form on Tuesday's Situation Room. When CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked what it would ...

NBC's Curry 'Inspired' by Longtime Lib Helen Thomas

NBC's Ann Curry, on Tuesday's Today show, called longtime liberal White House correspondent Helen Thomas her "inspiration." As part of an ongoing series "Today's Mentors and Inspirations," Curry ...

Claire Shipman's Bizarre Logic: 'Olympic Loss Actually a Boost for Obama'

According to ABC correspondent Claire Shipman, the botched Olympic bid by Barack Obama is actually a "good" thing for the President. Writing an online column for True/Slant, Shipman bizarrely ...
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