
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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NBC's Morales Gets Caught Up in Obama Olympic Charm Offensive

NBC's Natalie Morales, on Wednesday's Today, was bowled over by the First Couple's "tag-teaming" effort to lure the Olympics to their home city of Chicago. Reporting live from Copenhagen, Morales ...

Couric Champions Obama-Obama-Oprah Olympic Quest 'Dream Team'

With First Lady Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey now in Copenhagen, CBS anchor Katie Couric on Wednesday night declared "the 'Dream Team' pushing Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympic summer games is ...

CNN Endorses Thomas Friedman's Scaremongering About Conservatives

CNN's Jack Cafferty and Wolf Blitzer endorsed Thomas Friedman's "scary and sobering column" in the New York Times where the liberal writer compared the American political climate to Israel in 1995 ...

NYT Friedman's Hypocrisy on 'Far Right' Dangerously Delegitimizing Obama

Making a truly odious comparison, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman claimed parallels between the behavior of anti-Obama protestors (who have been quite peaceful) to that of "extreme ...

ABC's Tim Johnson Finds Yet Another Way to Lobby for Government Health Care

On Wednesday's Good Morning America, co-host Diane Sawyer and Dr. Tim Johnson touted the treatment members of Congress get as an example of the unfairness of the health care system. Sawyer ...

ABC's Johnson Insists: 'Public Option or Regulation, the Government Has to Play a Role'

In the wake of a Senate committee's rejection of the "public option," ABC's Dr. Tim Johnson argued we must follow Switzerland and Germany which have "very heavy government regulation" on health ...

NYT: Modest Lefty Pittsburgh Protest Comparable to Huge Conservative Protest in D.C.

A reader could assume the Sept. 12 conservative protest in DC and the anarchist protest in Pittsburgh were of the same magnitude, as both described the crowd as in "thousands." Headline from the ...

Day Two of ABC's Polanski Coverage: 'Hunted' Director Subject to 'Prosecutorial Obsession?'

ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday America continued to raise questions about the arrest of Roman Polanski in Europe, spinning the case as a "31-year-old prosecutorial obsession." According to ...

Andy Williams Inverts Rush Limbaugh: Barack Obama 'Wants the Country to Fail'

President Obama "wants the country to fail," legendary singer Andy Williams declared in flipping Rush Limbaugh's hope Obama "fails" in his quest to enact left-wing policies. Williams: "I think he ...

Nets Tout Olympics 'Super-Fan' Obama's 'Swifter, Higher, Stronger' Effort to Land 2016 Games

President Barack Obama's last-minute decision to fly Thursday to Copenhagen to pitch Chicago's bid for the 2016 summer Olympic games excited broadcast network journalists Monday night. "The ...
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