
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell Aggressively Defends Video of Kids Singing to Obama

MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell on Thursday appeared mystified as to why anyone would have a problem with New Jersey school children being led in a song praising Barack Obama. The February 2009 video ...

MSNBC's Ed Schultz Erupts: 'Republicans Want to See You Dead!'

Enraged over Republican opposition to ObamaCare, on The Ed Show on MSNBC Wednesday, host Ed Schultz screamed at viewers: "The Republicans lie! They want to see you dead! They'd rather make money ...

New Poll: Most Americans See Media As Biased and Favoring Obama

More bad news for the media: A new poll on from Sacred Heart University's Polling Institute finds five out of six Americans (83.6%) see the national news media as "very or somewhat biased," and ...

Leno Zings Matthews: He's Amongst 'Drooling Blondes Rubbing Up Against' Obama

Jay Leno delivered a monologue joke, with MSNBC's Chris Matthews as the punch line, on Wednesday night's prime time Jay Leno Show on NBC: "Michelle Obama was very upset by all these drooling ...

Obama 'Tells the World America's 'Go It Alone' Policy is Over,' Couric Hails

ABC, CBS and NBC all led Wednesday night with President Barack Obama's address at the United Nations, but Katie Couric was the most effusive in trumpeting how Obama marked the end of the Bush era ...

NY Times Leaves Out Dems Speech Suppression, But Touts Lefty Actor's Parody Ad

The New York Times' health care priorities revealed: A parody ad by liberal comedian Will Farrell and left-wing is considered newsworthy; suppression of free speech by the Obama ...

ABC Raves Over Michael Moore's 'Deeply Christian' New Movie; Lauds 'American Populist'

In less than 24 hours, ABC devoted 13 minutes to rhapsodizing over liberal Michael Moore's new, "deeply Christian" film, Capitalism: A Love Story. Featuring the director first on Tuesday's ...

ABC Notices Obama Administration's Effort to Suppress Criticism of ObamaCare

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's decision to go to the Senate floor on Tuesday to call out the Obama administration for using the full power of a federal regulatory agency to suppress free ...

Obama Disappoints NBC By 'Falling Short' on 'Climate Change,' Fret Expectations 'Dashed'

President Obama disappointed NBC by failing, at the UN's "Summit on Climate Change," to go far enough on global warming. "President Obama's being accused of falling short on the environment today ...

Matthews Warns Talk Radio 'Gonna Pay' If Any Anti-Obama Violence

Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, ominously warned that the "activists on the radio," are "gonna pay," if "we have violence in this country against our president of any form," for having ...
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