Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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A week after aggressively defending school children in New Jersey literally singing Barack Obama's praises, on MSNBC on Friday, anchor Norah O'Donnell once again expressed her support of the song ...
New York Times Week in Review and Book Review editor Sam Tanenhaus, on Slate, useed a well-known lefty vulgarism: "Even today the right insists it is driven by ideas, even if the leading thinkers ...
World News host Charlie Gibson appeared bewildered on Friday as ABC broke into regular coverage to report the "stunning," crushing" news that Barack Obama had lost his bid to secure the 2016 ...
On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez speculated on the impact of President Obama's personal appeal for the 2016 Olympics to be held in Chicago: "President Obama arrives in ...
Just over two weeks after NBC's Brian Williams pushed former President Jimmy Carter's racism charge, Williams devoted more than two minutes of Thursday's NBC Nightly News to marking Carter's 85th ...
It would be "absurd" for Florida Rep. Alan Grayson (D) to apologize for insisting recently that Republicans stand behind a health care "holocaust," MSNBC's Chris Matthews argued on Thursday's ...
ABC's Claire Shipman on Thursday fawned over Jimmy Carter, celebrated his 85th birthday and the "incredible" presidential library bearing his name. Offering few tough questions, the Good Morning ...
The NY Times moralized over Rep. Joe Wilson's "disrespectful" outburst ("You lie!") during Obama's health care address to Congress. But when a Democrat said the GOP's health care plan was for ...
Good Morning America correspondent Yunji de Nies on Thursday touted White House talking points when she highlighted Michelle Obama's pitch for the 2016 Olympics to be in Chicago. De Nies parroted, ...
Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts on Wednesday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams gave attention to "incendiary" comments made by Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson of ...