Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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Famed news photographer David Hume Kennerly took to the New York Times' "Lens" blog last week, with an update on Monday in which he denounced Newsweek's "skewed imagery to advance its editorial ...
During a wide-ranging interview with Bill Clinton, on Tuesday's Today show, about his Clinton Initiative summit, NBC's Matt Lauer wanted to get the former President's advice on whether current New ...
David Letterman, who still regularly ridicules former President George W. Bush, didn't hide his affinity for Barack Obama during his Monday night Late Show interview of the President. "I can't ...
Reporting for CBS's Sunday Morning, political analyst Jeff Greenfield wondered about the impact of nationwide ant-Obama protests: "Does this new militancy on the Right pose an opportunity for the ...
On Monday's Morning Meeting, MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan and his journalist guests expressed frustration that the ACORN scandal hasn't gone away. Politico correspondent Mike Allen lobbied, "...It's time ...
In the series of network interviews recorded Friday at the White House for airing on the ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC Sunday morning interview shows, all highlighted Jimmy Carter's charge that racism is ...
TV network journalists Friday night marveled at President Obama's "media blitz" on health even as they reveled in it as they made the very "blitz" and clips from the interviews (conducted Friday ...
While concluding a segment on racism involved in anti-Obama protests, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews promoted the book of one of his guests, liberal historian Douglas Brinkley, and proceeded ...
On Wednesday, NPR "senior news analyst" Daniel Schorr insisted nationalized health care "would save many lives," and all those rumbles from the right about providing taxpayer-subsidized abortions ...
On Friday's CBS Early Show, White House correspondent Bill Plante highlighted President Obama's latest media blitz on health care reform and touted a new piece of the PR arsenal: "The President ...