
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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ABC's Terry Moran Hyperventilates: The Ghost of Ted Kennedy Appeared in Congress

ABC's Terry Moran on Wednesday hyperbolically spun Barack Obama's congressional speech as a "bold call to action" and theatrically visualized, "There was another ghost in the chamber tonight, the ...

CNN Touts 'Good Showing' for Obama in Democrat-Heavy Poll

CNN on Wednesday night and Thursday morning trumpeted the results of a poll of the mainly Democratic audience that watched President Obama's health care speech as "a great showing" for the ...

AP Pounces on Truth-Teller Obama's 'Oversimplifications and Omissions'

In his health care speech Wednesday night, President Obama cast himself as a truth-teller combating "bogus claims" and "misinformation" about his plan. "If you misrepresent what's in the plan, we ...

ABC's Jake Tapper: Obama Was the 'Principal' During Speech; Congress Full of 'Unruly School Kids'

ABC correspondent Jake Tapper on Thursday condescendingly described Barack Obama's address to Congress this way: "At times, it was almost like the President were a principal and Congress a bunch ...

NYT's Friedman Likes How China's 'Enlightened' Dictators Get Things Done

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman again showed a disturbing affection for China's dictatorship in his Wednesday column attacking Republican stubbornness on health care and climate change ...

Olbermann Undermines GOP Response Speaker as 'Birther' Who Was 'Sued for Malpractice'

Keith Olbermann tried to discredit Congressman Charles Boustany immediately after the Louisiana Republican finished giving the GOP response, charging he had been "sued for malpractice three ...

'Touch of Greatness' in 'Remarkable' Speech About 'Re-Branding' Obama as 'Centrist'

Favorable assessments of President Obama's speech: MSNBC's Keith Olbermann heard "a touch of greatness," on ABC, George Stephanopoulos saw "a pretty remarkable speech," NBC's Chuck Todd insisted ...

Williams Whines Obama 'Bruised' By 'Wild and False Rumors'

"The new President has been bruised along the way as poll numbers are falling and he has seen his message hijacked as town meetings have exploded with wild and false rumors of 'death panels' ...

NY Times ME Admits Paper's Van Jones Coverage 'A Beat Behind'

In an online QA, New York Times Managing Editor Jill Abramson admitted the paper's coverage of the Van Jones controversy was "a beat behind" and put the blame on Labor Day, not pro-Obama bias. ...

Today's Push for ObamaCare Matches Media Spin for HillaryCare in 1990s

With President Obama pitching his version of health reform before a joint session of Congress, it recalls Bill Clinton's 1993 speech to Congress on the same topic. The media spin back then sounds ...
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