
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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ABC Fails to ID First Elected Black Senator as a Republican - Beaten by White Democrat

ABC anchor Charles Gibson on Wednesday night had time to convey President Barack Obama's praise of Edward Brooke for "breaking barriers" as the first popularly-elected black U.S. Senator, but not ...

Couric: GOP 'Hijacked' by 'Far-Right Conservatives...Like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin'

"There's growing concern among some GOP leaders that controversial commentators and far-right conservatives have hijacked the message," CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric declared in her Tuesday ...

Couric: GOP 'Hijacked' by 'Far-Right Conservatives...Like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin'

"There's growing concern among some GOP leaders that controversial commentators and far-right conservatives have hijacked the message," CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric declared in her Tuesday ...

Matthews Suggests Obama Should Follow Woody Harrelson's Advice on Afghanistan

Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, invited on former Cheers star Woody Harrelson to promote his new movie, The Messenger, and also talk Afghanistan war policy. The Zombieland actor announced ...

Matthews Mocks 'Motivational' Speaker Bush as 'Halloween Prank'

Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, mocked former President George W. Bush making his debut as a motivational speaker as he laughed it off as a "Halloween prank, you know like toilet-papering ...

ABC Heavily Promotes New HBO Documentary on Obama: He's so 'Zen' and 'Normal'

Good Morning America co-host Diane Sawyer on Tuesday helped promote an upcoming HBO documentary on Barack Obama and allowed producer Ed Norton to gush over the "zen" presidential campaign of the ...

Obama Administration Escapes Blame for H1N1 Flu Vaccine Shortage and Delay

Coverage Monday night made no mention of Obama or his administration in identifying a culprit for the flu vaccine shortage, as journalists instead cited "federal officials" and "the government."

NY Times's Frank Rich Finds Anti-Bush Argument in Balloon Boy Saga

New York Times columnist Frank Rich: "The Colorado balloon may have led to the rerouting of flights and the wasteful deployment of law enforcement resources. But at least it didn't lead the ...

Liberal Pedigree Smooths Quick Rise in Washington Press Corps

From liberal Democrat Howard Dean to top editor of the magazine which proclaims it has "The Website Washington Lives By." The "preppy-looking 28-year-old" Garrett Graff "has eased his way up the ...

Newsweek Gets Flood of Anti-Biden Letters, Publishes None of Them

It's bad enough that the new design of Newsweek came with blatant cover-story campaigning for Joe Biden. Then in the next edition, when it was time for Letters to the Editor, Newsweek reported ...
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