
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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MSNBC Frets About 'Far Right' and 'Super Conservatives Alienating GOP Centrists'

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan anchored a segment on Tuesday's Morning Meeting that worried about the "far right" and wondered whether "super conservatives" are alienating "GOP centrists." The host ...

NBC's Todd Calls Liberal Senators Lieberman and Sanders Ideological 'Polar Opposites'

Only in the mind of a liberal media journalist would Sen. Joseph Lieberman and Sen. Bernie Sanders be considered ideological "polar opposites," but that's what NBC's Chuck Todd, during a piece ...

MSNBC's Dr. Nancy "Infuriated" By Democrat's Pro-Life Amendment

MSNBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman went on a tear shortly after 12:30pm ET on her November 9 "Dr. Nancy" program, denouncing the "infuriating" anti-abortion Stupak Amendment to the Democratic health care ...

Flashback: ABC's Boston Legal Ridiculed Idea MD Could Be a Terrorist

Two-and-a-half years before Army Major Nidal Hasan, a Muslim medical doctor, murdered 13 at Fort Hood in Texas in what more-and-more looks like a jihadist terrorist attack, ABC's since-canceled ...

CBS Reporter Laments Economic Downturn After Fall of Berlin Wall

Reporting for CBS Sunday Morning, correspondent Mark Phillips marked the 20th anniversary of the fall the Berlin Wall by noting the economic difficulty East Germany has faced in the aftermath: "It ...

Matthews Mocks: Mark Levin Plays to All the 'Wingnuts!'

On the syndicated The Chris Matthews Show, over the weekend, conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin was mocked by Chris Matthews for playing to the "wingnuts" at a Capitol Hill rally. Before ...

CBS's Schieffer on Ft. Hood Shooting: There Are 'Christian Nuts' Too

On Sunday's Face the Nation on CBS, host Bob Schieffer tried to provide some perspective on the Fort Hood shooting, committed by an Islamic extremist: "It's looking more and more like he was just, ...

ABC's Dr. Tim Johnson Sees Nothing But Upside in Government-run Health Care

Dr. Tim Johnson, ABC's medical editor and longtime fan of government-run health care, appeared on Monday's Good Morning America to tout the great benefits of passing congressional legislation. ...

Lauer: It 'May Be a Little Egocentric' to View Berlin Wall Fall as an 'American Victory'

Reporting live from the Berlin Wall NBC's Tom Brokaw, on Monday's Today show, never once mentioned Ronald Reagan's name and his role in helping to end the Cold War, but did find time to praise ...

'We're Going to Have to Have More Stimulus, More Spending,' Donaldson Contends

Friday's report on October, two old hands in the Washington press corps appeared on Sunday morning shows where they asserted that means we need another stimulus bill and/or the problem is the ...
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