Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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At first glance it appeared that NBC's Meredith Vieira and David Gregory, on Friday's Today show, did a decent job of recounting all of the struggles the Obama administration is dealing with from ...
One year ago, Thursday, November 20 - like today, the Thursday one week before Thanksgiving - MSNBC ridiculously plastered "BREAKING NEWS" on-screen for video of Sarah Palin at a turkey farm just ...
Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, took GOP Congresswoman Virginia Foxx to task for claiming that Republicans "passed civil rights bills in the sixties" as he accused her of having a bad ...
On Thursday's CBS Early Show, after Rudy Giuliani suggested the Obama administration was trying to "satisfy left-wing critics" by trying 9/11 terrorists in civilian court, incredulous co-host ...
ABC's Robin Roberts on Thursday pressed a government official on rationing and a new recommendation that women under the age of 50 shouldn't get regular mammograms. Talking to one of report's ...
NBC's Chuck Todd and CBS's Chip Reid both concluded their interviews with President Obama conducted in Beijing by worrying about the "stress" of his job. "He laughed off the speculation about his ...
MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell on Wednesday interrogated a young woman who supported Sarah Palin in 2008, demanding this new voter explain her reasons for admiring the ex-Alaska governor. "What is it ...
MSNBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman appeared on Wednesday's Morning Joe and justified reducing the number of women in their 40s who get mammograms. "No, it is rationing. Let's be clear," she admitted. ...
Citing an interview the President gave to White House correspondent Chip Reid, at the top of Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith declared: "An outraged President Obama says heads may ...
NBC's Matt Lauer invited on Newsweek managing editor Dan Klaidman, on Wednesday's Today, to answer Sarah Palin's charge that the magazine's recent cover photo of her, in a jogging outfit, was ...