
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Newsweek Editor: Health Care Bill a 'Fiscal Fraud' But 'I'd Still Vote for It'

Over the weekend, Newsweek's Evan Thomas offered an intriguing insight into the MSM's approach to the liberal health care bill rolling its way through Congress. After conservative columnist ...

Newsweek Top 10 List Leads With Bill Maher Article Trashing Bush Katrina Policy

Newsweek's 20/10 Project has a list of the Decade's Worst Tactical Blunders. It might not be a shock that Newsweek decided three of the top four were made by Team Bush. What might be surprising ...

61% Realize Palin's Been 'Treated Unfairly by the Press'

MSM polls may say a majority don't consider Sarah Palin qualified to be President (60 percent), but just as many people recognize the media's unfair hostility toward her. "About six in 10 ...

ABC's Johnson Recites Canard Lack of Health Insurance Kills 45,000 Annually

In contending America already has health care rationing, ABC's Dr. Tim Johnson, a universal coverage advocate, on Friday night's World News asserted "a recent Harvard study estimated that 45,000 ...

On MSNBC, Ebony Honoree Dyson: Obama's 'Brought Sexy Brilliance Back to the White House'

MSNBC publicized Ebony magazine's "Power 150" picks by bringing aboard two left-wing honorees during Friday's 11 AM EST hour. Mchael Eric Dyson rejoiced: "We have a man in the White House who has ...

MSNBC's Matthews Finds Obama's Weakness: He's 'Too Darned Intellectual'

At the top of Friday's Hardball on MSNBC, host Chris Matthews discovered the reason for President Obama's political difficulties in recent months: "President Obama has his chin out on just about ...

On MSNBC, Ebony Honoree Dyson: Obama's 'Brought Sexy Brilliance Back to the White House'

MSNBC publicized Ebony's "Power 150" picks by bringing aboard two left-wing honorees, Al Sharpton and Michael Eric Dyson, during Friday's 11 AM EST hour. Dyson rejoiced: "We have a man in the ...

Bloviating Dick Cavett Bashes 'Know-Nothing' Sarah Palin, Obsesses Over His Brilliance

Talk show host Dick Cavett, whose TV show went off the air in 1982, appeared on MSNBC, Friday, to trash Sarah Palin as a "know nothing" and someone who has "no first language." Mostly, however, he ...

MSNBC's Ratigan Wonders If Americans Should 'Stop Whining'

Citing a Democratic congressman who recently proposed a no whining day, on Friday's Morning Meeting on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan asked: "...unemployment, health care, a couple of wars, Americans ...

CBS's Early Show Skips Grilling of Geithner and Calls for His Resignation

CBS's Early Show on Friday completely ignored the grilling Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner received on Capitol Hill on Thursday and the calls for his resignation by members of Congress. ABC's Good ...
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