
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Sheehan More Consistent Than Media: She Protests Bush and Obama, Media Only Bush

On a Sunday evening four summers ago the NBC Nightly News explored how Cindy Sheehan was "single-handedly bringing the Iraq debate to Mr. Bush's doorstep." But Sunday night this year, after ...

Totenberg: Kennedy a 'Truly Shakespearean Figure' Redeemed by 'Greatness'

In full swoon for the late Senator Ted Kennedy, NPR's Nina Totenberg fondly recalled his "greatness" in doing "enormous things" for "millions and millions."

Huff-Po Wonders If Mary Jo Kopechne Would 'Feel It Was Worth It'

Writing at the Huffington Post, Discover magazine deputy web editor Melissa Lafsky, who formerly worked on the New York Times's Freakonomics blog, wondered about the drowned Mary Jo Kopechne's ...

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter: Rush Limbaugh Is the 'Great Blowhard of Our Time'

Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter appeared on Friday's Hardball and slammed Rush Limbaugh as the "great blowhard of our time." Host Chris Matthews prompted the quote when he discussed how Limbaugh ...

NYT Editor Finds Kennedy's Flaw: He Helped Reagan Win Presidency

Appearing on MSNBC's New York Times Edition on Friday, the paper's 'Week in Review' editor, Sam Tanenhaus, lamented one of Ted Kennedy's flaws: "There's a further paradox to this, which is we ...

CNN Sees Dangers In Obama's Deficit: 'Taxes That Would Make a Scandinavian Revolt'

Amid all of the tributes to Ted Kennedy's lengthy career of expanding the scope of government and its cost to taxpayers, CNN's American Morning on Friday dug up a six-week old op-ed from the Tax ...

Andrea Mitchell Gratuitously Drags Up '88 Debate Slam During Quayle Interview

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Friday used an interview with Dan Quayle to gratuitously highlight Lloyd Bentsen's famous 1988 slam, "You're no Jack Kennedy." Although Quayle appeared on the network ...

Boston's Howie Carr: 'Much More to Kennedy's Legacy Than Reported on MSNBC'

"While offering condolences to the Kennedy family at this sad moment, it is important to note that his life was not as simple, nor heroic, as is now being portrayed," Howie Carr maintained in ...

ABC Touts Democratic 'Battle Cry' to 'Win One for Teddy' on Health

ABC displayed "Battle Cry" on screen as anchor Charles Gibson teased Thursday's World News: "Health care reformers hope to win one for Teddy, but the opposition is largely unmoved." Gibson ...

NY Times Vet, Now Politics Site Chief at AOL: 'Kennedy Has Been a Huge Inspiration to Me'

Melinda Henneberger, Editor-in-Chief of AOL's and former NY Times reporter, boasted on Thursday's Hardball of her admiration for the late Senator and his left-wing policies: "Ted ...
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